Looking for webeditor (only html knowledge needed)


Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score

I'm making a game with a mate at my college (mike) and with ppl from net who're interested.

It's called Pixx RPG and is like Stick RPG if you've heard of that? But much better :P

As me and mike are keen to continue with making the actual game, we don't want to waste time updating our website.

www.pixxrpg.tk have a look.

Mike being the clever wizz kid he is (NerD! :P) has made a verrrrrrrry cool easy-update scripty-doo-daa on our website which basically means you click the box you want to edit, type, save. THAT'S IT. Pictures have an image manager, so do page locations and website-map-view. (All php used is editted in the same way)

It's absolutely easy peasy to edit, but we just need someone dedicated and competetant to do it. (don't need to worry about messing the code up :E)

REQUIREMENTS: (please fulfil these before emailing/replying)

1) Dedication: we can't have someone who cant be arsed. Afterall, an update once a week will take 10-15minutes of your time.
2) Knowledge: needs knowledge of what's going on in our game, eg. what updates/problems.
3) Understanding: If we talk about "actionscript" you'l have to know what it means (you don't need to know it).

In return you get your name in the cedits of the game and on the site.

If interested please email the pixx rpg team: [email protected] or reply to this thread :) Thanks.