Looking to buy Xbox and Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox)

No Limit

Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
If anyone has an Xbox that they want to sell please send me how much you want for it along with what it comes with.

I am also looking for Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox), it does not have to be from the same person that offers the Xbox but it would help.

I know this isn't the best place for this but the marketplace board seemed to be removed. You can contact me by PM or by clicking on the email button below this post.

ill sell you an xbox with a 120gb hd, an s controller, dvd remote kit, and an xbox usb cable, how much were you looking to spend?
Buy Pandora for PC! We need more play0rz!!!!!!!!! (Such a good game...)
Well to be honest I don't need any of the fancy stuff such as 120 GB HD and USB cables so I probably won't want to spend what you want to get but please send me in a PM what you are looking to get. I can get a used Xbox locally for around $90 so I am looking for something less unless you have some special additions to it such as extra controllers and game bundles.
Letters said:
Buy Pandora for PC! We need more play0rz!!!!!!!!! (Such a good game...)
I was thinking of going that route but I really need some thing me and my roommate can play, I don't want him touching my PC with a 40-foot pole ;). Since I have Xbox live it will work out better for me on console as both support only 4 player MP, not much point of going PC because of this and it will finally allow me to use Xbox live which I haven't done since the last time I played Ghost Recon a few months back.
go for the $90 used one, much better deal than i could give you.
Fully understandable, I am simply looking for a better deal, maybe with a few games bundled in but like I said, I don't need a 120 GB HD or USB cable. Thanks for letting me know anyway. If anyone else has offers, which I'm sure they do, please post them here. Again, I can get it for $90 but if you have one for a little more but with extra things like controllers or games please post here.
No Limit said:
I was thinking of going that route but I really need some thing me and my roommate can play, I don't want him touching my PC with a 40-foot pole ;). Since I have Xbox live it will work out better for me on console as both support only 4 player MP, not much point of going PC because of this and it will finally allow me to use Xbox live which I haven't done since the last time I played Ghost Recon a few months back.

When you say something for you and your roomate to play, I bet you already know, but Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow only allows 1 player per box. I just thought I'd clarify that, because for Rainbow Six 3, I didn't do my homework properly and I was disappointed (Luckily I found someone to pay me practically full price for it - I got it so I could play co-op with my brother).

When you do get Splinter Cell 2, my Xbox Live name is AmishSlayer

PS - This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.
I don't have an X-Box personally but I'm sure you'll eventually find a buyer.
Thanks for giving me the gamertags but I still don't have an xbox nor Slinter Cell ;). Once we figure that out I can start a thread for everyone to post their gamer tags as that sounds like a great idea and it would be fun to play with some of you.
Thank you, I am aware of ebay but some one might have a better deal here.