Looking to put together a team....


Feb 17, 2012
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I'm looking to put together a team for a TC Mod (Fantasy/Sci-Fi Genre). I am an experienced programmer and have a lot of experience with the source SDK. I'm familiar of course with the code, as well as modeling, animation, hammer, graphic design, texturing, etc, etc...
I have had a game idea for many years now, and even started a mod a few years back, but had to give it up due to time constraints/lack of team. The tools have matured, and I have given myself enough free time that I would like to start it back up.
There are a lot of aspects that I can do, but doing them all myself is proving to be much to difficult.

What I have so far:
Me - Lead Programmer, Graphic Designer, Game Designer, Story, Project Management, Composer, and tons of other things....
Bryndon Everett - Concept Artist (http://www.bryndoneverett.com)

What I'm Looking For:
Talented individuals who do any of the following:
Texturing / UV Mapping,
Level Development,
Concept Art

What I'm initially looking to do is a proof of concept, which is 1 "episode" featuring 2-3 hours of gameplay. I've got a well structured story arc, and the basics of this first chapter mapped out.

If you are interested or want any more information, I ask that you email me at: [email protected] or reply to this thread.




I have absolutely no relevant skills but I would just like to say it's nice to see one of these threads that isn't basically "Hey I have a generic idea for a mod and absolutely no skills what so ever, I would like a team of talented people to order about and make my vision a reality."

So good luck with this.
I make custom maps using the Source SDK (particularly the Hammer Editor) program all the time. I am interested as to what this mod is about.

If you want to contact me, my email is [email protected]
Those drawings of that lady remind me of Elizebeth from Bioshock.
Well I used to do level design in Hammer but I'm not interested in going back to it to make a mod, good luck with it though.

Get in touch when its finished...we'll review it for the site. :P
I love designing levels and consider myself somewhat skilled but I'm not very confident with Hammer. Haven't used it in years.