looks like is going to be a war


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score

thats a new about bill gates saying that the xbox 360 will be the number one in gaming the next generationg and stuff

well the true I dont believe that

maybe they will release theyr console first but they will hav something more that halo in theyr games library to beat sony,also as is the first console to come out maybe it will be the first one to get outdated and people will wait for another more powerfull console
also sony hav like more experience considering that they release the playstation in 1995 and nintendo more so I higly doubt to see the 360 as the leader in this new competence

and one thing I dont like of microsoft is that they act like a litle kid in this bussines "oh yeah our product will beat every other and we will own!"

so what are your thoughts?

my is that microsoft will hav advantage for release the console first but the leader of the competence? dont think so,and I think nintendo with the Revolution will be the big name now
well microsoft have the most resources to put into their new console, and they've secured a lot of big name game developers, including many HUGE japanese developers. Also the xbox has a very good name, not saying the others don't, but i wouldn't be surprised if this xbox 360 does absolutely own the market.
J_Tweedy said:
well microsoft have the most resources to put into their new console, and they've secured a lot of big name game developers, including many HUGE japanese developers. Also the xbox has a very good name, not saying the others don't, but i wouldn't be surprised if this xbox 360 does absolutely own the market.

Sums up my thoughts exactly. Well written Tweedy. :thumbs:
J_Tweedy said:
well microsoft have the most resources to put into their new console, and they've secured a lot of big name game developers, including many HUGE japanese developers. Also the xbox has a very good name, not saying the others don't, but i wouldn't be surprised if this xbox 360 does absolutely own the market.

Maybe in North America, never in Japan, then again you could say that you live in America and thats the market you are talking about...
competiton is very good for the industry...we'll have to see what happens...it should be very interesting.
rAdIOhEaD said:
Maybe in North America, never in Japan, then again you could say that you live in America and thats the market you are talking about...
No i live in New Zealand, but the same is true and you're right- the nintendo will probably 'own' in Japan, they're nintendo fiends over there.
the xbox360 is guaranteed to dominate among aunts, parents, young girls, newbs, and shitty pop stars, that's official.
Apparently Gates doesn't believe Nintendo will be a player in the next-gen.

I'm sure Nintendo would argue otherwise.
J_Tweedy said:
well microsoft have the most resources to put into their new console
Them being a huge company doesn't necessarily make their console much, if any, more likely to be the most powerful or successful system. They are diversified into too many things for them to blow a large portion of their worth on their foray into the gaming industry. Sony and Nintendo aren't worth as much as Microsoft, in total, but they are more specialized... meaning a larger proportion of it goes to their console/game development. The biggest benefit of their size is that it allows them to fumble, make mistakes, and learn how to be a big player in the industry without having any fear of consequences of failing. They can afford to take a big hit. Why do you think they lost over $100 on every Xbox they sold initially? They were trying to get their feet in the door and learn what works so that they could have a good plan for their real attempt. The first Xbox just tried to steal a chunk of the market share and make a name for Microsoft in the gaming industry. They had to lose money on the hardware to make the system more powerful yet still competitively priced, partially because of a lack of experience.

Nintendo, on the other hand, is able to have a system with a good amount of power (look at games like RE4) while actually making a profit. They know what they are doing. They've been doing it for decades. Sony also has a lot of experience in manufacturing electronics of all kinds and actually had a part in the gaming industry as early as the SNES when they were working with Nintendo. You also have to consider the deals made between Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft and the companies like IBM/ATI/etc that make the really important bits of the console.

Sure, Microsoft could afford to make the most powerful system every time for the next several console wars (at least) but they won't make the hardware losses too big because that would make their net profit too low... and they're definately not getting into this for respect from the fans. They want their gaming division to perform well financially (as with every other division of their huge company). That requires good profit margins. So, basically, since Microsoft already got their foot in the door I wouldn't expect them to waste as much money on the hardware this time around (it will definately be powerful but not necessarily the most powerful... or by a significant margin) because they don't have anything to prove... whereas Nintendo, who has been starting to slip in popularity and raw sales (though still making a hefty profit) recently, would probably be more likely to pull out all the stops to prove that they are still in the game. In fact, it is rumoured by several people in the gaming industry that the Nintendo Revolution is actually going to be significantly more powerful, graphically (in addition to being more innovative in almost every aspect), than the Xbox... and we still know next to nothing about the PS3 (apart from the supposed amazing power of their "cell" technology, but with no real-world performance numbers to back any of it up). Bascially, at this point, it's anyone's game... which is good for the consumers because none of the Big Three are in a position to be slackers.
trizzm said:
the xbox360 is guaranteed to dominate among aunts, parents, young girls, newbs, and shitty pop stars, that's official.

I'm sold... gimme an xbox360 baby!!
Ninteno Gamecube did crap compared to xbox and ps2. This is there only chance to get back on the market. Personally I don't like Nintendo products because they are made very clealy to maximize profits. Infact I think they are the oly ever console maker to ever make profit from selling a console.

Microsoft even said that the xbox was just a starting point for them which wasn't really suposed to be a suces as much as it was. It will be funny to see what they come up with when they put effort into it. Hense why the xbox was pritty much a PC rather than a console.

Playstation gained by heart with the psp, but the psp had a terrible games release. I have had one since Janunary and if I had never had bought a memory stick to watch movies on it I would have proberly wasted my money since I havn't bought any games since. Mainly because they are none.
Sadly, gamecube had the best price/quality ratio of all three systems. Especially in the comparative amount of actual good games avaliable. (This coming from a PS2 owner.)

In any case, a console war has an upside and a downside.

Upside: Each one will be cheaper due to competitive pricing.

Downside: Billions of "My console has a bigger e-penis!!" threads, multiplied by the number of controversially popular titles, multiplied by the various types of hatred held towards PCs.
Mechagodzilla said:
Sadly, gamecube had the best price/quality ratio of all three systems. Especially in the comparative amount of actual good games avaliable. (This coming from a PS2 owner.)

In any case, a console war has an upside and a downside.

Upside: Each one will be cheaper due to competitive pricing.

Downside: Billions of "My console has a bigger e-penis!!" threads, multiplied by the number of controversially popular titles, multiplied by the various types of hatred held towards PCs.

I already have enough money saved up to get both of them as soon as they come out. I am still thinking about if I should get a japanese console or not though. It could become really pointless in the long run but I have a habbit of not been able to wait. I paid £300 for my psp but I got it in Janunary :D
Unfortunantly, I love my PC.

Consoles hurt my hands if i play the amount of time i spend on my PC.

Anyways only games that are great on consoles are supersmash, doubledash, halo1 & 2 (don't kill me, they would have merely been good on pc!) and... uh... something. Goldeneye? Oh, that's right: Final Fantasy. Every danged one of them.
I'm just curious what the 360 stands for?

Is it going to be in a marketing slogan, "Gaming comes full circle" :laugh:

Offcourse they could use a slogan for Bill Gates, "Fear comes full circle" :O
I believe its called 360 and not 2 because it is pretty much the same type of console, just with massive improvements - wireless controllers, graphics (duh), new Xbox Live currency system, etc

Also I believe XBox 360 is the way to go above all other consoles. The fact that Halo 3 is going to be on it alone makes it a worth-buy.
I assumed the Xbox 360 will be rounded... Being 360 degrees.
They`ll allways make money on games, regardless on what the console costs.

I talked to this Sony guy when I was in L.A, and he told me about how the LCD screen alone on the PSP cost them $500 to just produce, but they sell the whole thing for around $2-300, and this was never even an issue to them, because they knew the games would bring them profitt.

So, considering Microsoft is a wealthier company, yes, they can afford to produce the hardware needed to make the best console, and sell it at a competitive price.

You can hate them all you want, but it`s only going to be better for us console gamers.
"Our goal in the last generation was to be in the game," Gates told reporters at a meeting of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. "We came out of this round a strong number two."

Hopelessly outsold in japan, very close to the gamecube in the US, massive losses puts them in strong second?
I'm just curious what the 360 stands for?

Is it going to be in a marketing slogan, "Gaming comes full circle" :laugh:

Offcourse they could use a slogan for Bill Gates, "Fear comes full circle" :O

They didn't call it Xbox 2 because it would seem older than PS3.
So they called it 360. But I prefered Xenon :o
J_Tweedy said:
No i live in New Zealand, but the same is true and you're right- the nintendo will probably 'own' in Japan, they're nintendo fiends over there.

Thats what I am talking about, japan is that hardest market to crack for non-japanese company, they love they home made stuff...
Xbox 360 has got to be the gayest system name I've ever heard.

"Hey look! My xbox can jump in the air and spin around, this drastically improves the graphics!!!"

I'm sticking with the PS3 or Revolution for my first next gen console.
Vigilante said:
Xbox 360 has got to be the gayest system name I've ever heard.

"Hey look! My xbox can jump in the air and spin around, this drastically improves the graphics!!!"

I'm sticking with the PS3 or Revolution for my first next gen console.

Are you dropping Xbox 360 because of its name?
Or are there other reasons?
man, all this competition is incredibly healthy for the industry
cant wait for E3 snippets!
Onager said:
Are you dropping Xbox 360 because of its name?
Or are there other reasons?

I think the others reasons are that is not inovating like the others,sony is making that new processor and nintendo well is revolutioning

and c'mon

xbox 360 is a stupid name
every time I heard it I imagine a 8 years old kid saying "Oh yeah the X box 360 that is xboxtreme!!!" or something like that

but if is good....