Lootie has been found!!

New Orleans Heinekenn guy. I can't be arsed to get the picture, but you all know it.

That guy?
I don't know how you could be a member of any board and not know who lootie is by name alone.

There are literally thousands of photoshopped pics of him with many boards/forums having photoshop contests featuring lootie.
Not on these forums. We dont take kindly to his kind around these parts.

(its even funnier because hes black)
I don't know how you could be a member of any board and not know who lootie is by name alone.

There are literally thousands of photoshopped pics of him with many boards/forums having photoshop contests featuring lootie.

them sorry for not dedicate every second of my life to internet fads
I don't dedicate my life to internet fads. It's just funny as hell and for awhile Lootie was EVERYWHERE on the net.

Oh and nothing wrong with that forum. Largely conservative crowd but that's what makes the world great is diverse viewpoints. I guess if you are really liberal and can't accept there are others that don't think the same way then it might seem like only scum of the earth lurk there. There are wide variations in views there though from abortion to evolution to religion. You will find some assholes and some examples of the extreme end of the spectrum but they can be found in any forum.
I don't get it... it's just a black guy looting some beer in New Orleans... what's so funny?

Oh and nothing wrong with that forum. Largely conservative crowd but that's what makes the world great is diverse viewpoints. I guess if you are really liberal and can't accept there are others that don't think the same way then it might seem like only scum of the earth lurk there. There are wide variations in views there though from abortion to evolution to religion. You will find some assholes and some examples of the extreme end of the spectrum but they can be found in any forum.

I take it you respect conservapedia then? We don't have to respect people's viewpoints just because the world would be boring if everyone though the same. What a forum is like is determined entirely by the people there, and if the people there all have views that make you mad, you can't be blamed for hating that forum. Respecting people themselves is one thing, but we're entitled to disagree with people's opinions. I'm not saying anything about that forum BTW, seeing as I'm not a member there.
I don't get it... it's just a black guy looting some beer in New Orleans... what's so funny?

I take it you respect conservapedia then? We don't have to respect people's viewpoints just because the world would be boring if everyone though the same. What a forum is like is determined entirely by the people there, and if the people there all have views that make you mad, you can't be blamed for hating that forum. Respecting people themselves is one thing, but we're entitled to disagree with people's opinions. I'm not saying anything about that forum BTW, seeing as I'm not a member there.

I am mostly conservative with a hint of libertarian on some issues. It's hard for anyone to fit an exact mold though.

I'd say just the expression on Looties face along with his awesome hair all while looting a basket full of beer. It's just a funny picture that came out of a very tragic event. If I was stuck in that mess I'd be trying to get some booze as well. I don't think down on or negatively of Lootie. I'd have to admit some people seem to though by some of the photoshop jobs.