Losing interest in hl2 from delays?

Are you losing your interest in hl2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 70 36.5%
  • No not yet.

    Votes: 122 63.5%

  • Total voters


May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Im starting to get tired of waiting for hl2 with all the constant delays and broken promises. is anyone else losing interest in hl2. im starting to not care anymore and doom3 is looking more interesting by the day.

looks like hl2 isnt even gonna come out this summer.

the cs:s beta testing is slated to maybe prolly start hopefully in august. well you have to beta test and make changes before you release a product right? then it has to go gold and be packaged and distributed and advertising has to be in place long before all that right?

well its mid july now and i dont see any advertising. i really dont see how hl2 is possibly gonna be in "stores this summer we promise" .
Omg Not Another ****ing Thread On The Cs:s Beta...
Its kinda looking like itll be in stores around late Sept. which is what I expected and is still the summer.
Im still excited
Lost interest along time ago, but still trying to cling on!
Kinda... (even tho I clicked yes)... I have waited a bit too much for this game and by what I see... Im going to be forced to wait longer... Ill play Doom3 or whatever but ill still get hl2 when it comes out.
Six Three said:
There's only been 1 delay.
He's right, Doom3s been delayed more then HL2 but Id did it in a more professional manner then valve. Trust me when we hear that HL2 has gone gold, we will all be really excited.
Ooooookay, I think that's enough polls on the first page. :rolleyes:
brink's said:
Trust me when we hear that HL2 has gone gold, we will all be really excited.

You can bet on that.. The first day 3 days will be nothing but blind nubs posting "oMG Hl2 is teh GoLd!!11" in every section.
Six Three said:
You can bet on that.. The first day 3 days will be nothing but blind nubs posting "oMG Hl2 is teh GoLd!!11" in every section.

I wonder if the mods are going to close down those threads or not... I mean this site is dedicated to this game.
Some_God said:
I wonder if the mods are going to close down those threads or not... I mean this site is dedicated to this game.

1 is enough.
It's been 6 years since HL1...and a bit more than a year since HL2 was announced.

I can't wait a few months more and still be excited about it.

Personally, I think Doom3 is starting to get more "interesting" simply because it's gold and there's not a heck of a lot else out there right now. Not knocking Doom3 as I will be getting it too, but I think once HL2 is announced as gold there won't be enough room on the bandwagon.
One thread is indeed enough.

Oh, and Six Three, did you miss the countless HL2 delays.. you know.. those ones that didn't happen outside of people's heads :p
Anyone who has lost any ammount of interest in HL2 due to the delays will still wind up buying the game anyway. And ya know what? They're still going to like it just as much as they would have if the game was complete on Sep. 30th 2003.

I really don't see the point in the incessant complaints of people over the past year... The game would have been total crap if it didnt get delayed. I think we all know that now.

So all these thousands of people can cry all day about the delay; but in the end they all know that their just going to buy it when it comes out anyway, and love it.
indeed.. this delay made the game even longer with higher replay value, lesser bugs, better models more effects like HDR and stuff like that, I love delay's.
EVIL said:
indeed.. this delay made the game even longer with higher replay value, lesser bugs, better models more effects like HDR and stuff like that, I love delay's.

Except now we gotta upgrade our computers that we bought last year that we spent our life savings on. :|
Some_God said:
Except now we gotta upgrade our computers that we bought last year that we spent our life savings on. :|

uhhh... maybe you do, but mine will still run it just fine.

Infact, the graphics havent improved at all from what they were last year... so why would you need to upgrade again? Hell, now that the game has been optimized more, it will run even better on your current rig than it would have if it wasnt delayed. :rolleyes:
Nope, I started to lose interest a few months before the E3, and when I saw the new video. It totally renewed my faith in Half-Life 2. I have a great feeling that Half-Life 2 will be coming in the summer, mid or late.
acme420 said:
Im starting to get tired of waiting for hl2 with all the constant delays and broken promises. is anyone else losing interest in hl2. im starting to not care anymore and doom3 is looking more interesting by the day.

looks like hl2 isnt even gonna come out this summer.

the cs:s beta testing is slated to maybe prolly start hopefully in august. well you have to beta test and make changes before you release a product right? then it has to go gold and be packaged and distributed and advertising has to be in place long before all that right?

well its mid july now and i dont see any advertising. i really dont see how hl2 is possibly gonna be in "stores this summer we promise" .

please close this lame thread !
just sit back and relax, we are so close to release, there have been worse delays and ppl survived those (most in one piece =) )
HL1 is still alive, im enjoying it as much as possible till hl2 because only hl2 will make hl1 inferior ;)
ya i hate to say it but when i loo kat hl2 then doom 3 im more excited about doom 3,but who knows when i get hl2 i might think its a better game.
Jus stop being impatient lol

The game wasnt ready when it got stolen so it would be out anyway , the 'delay' has not been that long at all
delay or not your still gonna go to the store and buy the game when it comes out
Man, Darkknighttt, I don't see how you could be more excited bout Doom3. Sure, it's the sequel of one of the first FPS ever, and it's been in the making for ~8 years. I mean, I remember 2 years ago when Doom3's graphics were just incredibly amazing looking. They still look hella nice today. But in comparison with HL2 they just look bulky. I mean, you can litteraly see the rough edges on everything in that game. HL2 look much "rounder" and smooth than Doom3 at this point.

Besides, which story do you think will be bette? The continuation of HL1? Or "omg! some scientists made a portal thats open to HELL"... infact, Doom3 is prtty much just a re-make of Doom1 (which isn't nessisarily a bad thing).

I think your just "excited" about Doom3 cuz it's comming out first. Don't let that fool you, my friend. :D
PvtRyan said:
Let me put it subtle:


Hay thats not subtle at all.


Honestly at this point now im less hyped about the actual game. Im more hyped about Half Life2s mod scene and dod source (if they ever release a god dam screenshot), and doom3s single player.
I'm getting kinda tired of ppl saying "HL2 will never come out!" or "We wount get to play it in atleast 1 year!". We'll get it in a few months, do some thing else in the mean while, its summer for gods sake!
I would rather play the game in Athum(spelling?) or winter.

And I wouldent go crasy if they would release the game next year because then the game would just be even better.

I just hope they would release some screens or maby a vry short movie, but ultra high quality(or the binks)

stopp complaining.
Doom 3 will easily tide most folks over until HL2 comes out. I still fancy a September 30th release date...2006, mind.
WhiteZero said:
Anyone who has lost any ammount of interest in HL2 due to the delays will still wind up buying the game anyway. And ya know what? They're still going to like it just as much as they would have if the game was complete on Sep. 30th 2003.

I really don't see the point in the incessant complaints of people over the past year... The game would have been total crap if it didnt get delayed. I think we all know that now.

So all these thousands of people can cry all day about the delay; but in the end they all know that their just going to buy it when it comes out anyway, and love it.

Agreed. No matter how much you'll bitch at HL2's delay, everyone and their grandma will be playing HL2 in their mom's basement - sealed from the great outdoors.
yes. extremely. the gfx have went from extraordinary to just, good.
acme420 said:
Im starting to get tired of waiting for hl2 with all the constant delays and broken promises. is anyone else losing interest in hl2. im starting to not care anymore and doom3 is looking more interesting by the day.

looks like hl2 isnt even gonna come out this summer.

the cs:s beta testing is slated to maybe prolly start hopefully in august. well you have to beta test and make changes before you release a product right? then it has to go gold and be packaged and distributed and advertising has to be in place long before all that right?

well its mid july now and i dont see any advertising. i really dont see how hl2 is possibly gonna be in "stores this summer we promise" .

I guss your not a real Half life 2 fan... GET OU!!!!!!!!! OUT!!!!

There has only ever been one delay. A long one yes, but still only one. Hearing your friends mother's uncle's sister who walked past a game shop say that Valve said the game will be released in Spring 2004 doesn't mean Valve have delayed the game again. Ok?

The game looks absolutely certain to come out in late August/early September which is not very long to wait. Infact, knowing that the game has improved so much during the delay has made me even more eager to get it.

This thread is stupid, as are those that start them.
I have to admit my interest is getting lower. But it's only good, because the slow waiting for these few remaining months won't feel so painfully slow. I'm excited about Doom III now. And after all the Half-Life 2 gone gold announcement won't be a big surprise as we all kinda know when it's approximately going to happen.
They kind of word fuked us. The end of summer is in september. The game will probably be released the last possible day of summer.
Wow. If a delay of 1 year is too long for you people, I'd hate to know how "disappointed" and "disinterested" you become with other games that are announced 3-5 years before they come out and are STILL delayed longer then HL has been. Like say... Starcraft for example? (No, we're not even going to talk about Duke Nukem Forever. It's in a class all its own.)
I will become seriously pissed at Valve if STALKER comes out before HL2, otherwise, Valve take as long as you need, make the game great and worth our money (plus, make CS2 free for those who bought the collectors edition of HL2) :).
genocide604 said:
They kind of word fuked us. The end of summer is in september. The game will probably be released the last possible day of summer.

Put a sock in it!