Lost Cost - Crash On Loading


Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score

My machine is not up to the job for Lost Coast, but I thought after reading some posts about being able to turn down the settings I would down load it anyway and give it a go.

The problem I have is that on the loading screen it flickers on and of and I get snow like distortion on the loading screen. It finally loads and the screen goes blank and all I hear is the sound. I eventually just have to do a Crt Alt Delete.

My machine is a P4 1.6ghz | 780 MB RAM | GeFOrce FX 5600 256MB Ram

I know the card is not hardware direct X 9 compatible.

Could this be what is causing the problem?

PS Half Life 2 works fine.
you have neither enough ram nor processing power and your graphics card is oldish - stop hurting your computer
if it doesn't work now it won't work
Yeah I think I am resigned to having to wait for a computer upgrade.
I'm not sure if it uses teh HDR technology in the loading screen, but if it does then you could always look for a console command to turn off HDR and tone down some of the settings to make it at least load.
I dont think it enables HDR if it doesn't detect hardware capable of rendering it.

Your specs should at least be able to load the game Johnstone, but I think you definitely need DX9c.