Lost in WoW (please help)

Vote to decide my fate!

  • Jump, you pansy!

    Votes: 32 41.6%
  • Soulstone! Soulstoooone!

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • Dance! Then jump.

    Votes: 41 53.2%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
So, in the spirit of scientific enquiry, I jumped off a waterfall. And now...what? I find myself sitting on the edge of the world. Edge of Teldrassil, that is. There's no going back. I feel like Rincewind sitting in a tree on the edge of the Discworld. I have seen the infinite...and it's blue.


Vote to decide my fate. It's reality gaming!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v108/Sulkdodds/Other stuff/WoWScrnShot_021506_213614.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v108/Sulkdodds/Other stuff/WoWScrnShot_021506_212846.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v108/Sulkdodds/Other stuff/WoWScrnShot_021506_212854.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v108/Sulkdodds/Other stuff/WoWScrnShot_021506_213125.jpg

edit: Mods, please don't take this as spam. It'll all be over soon anyway. If this thread is closed, I'll jump! So help me, I'll do it!
Also you could try contacting a GM, they can all teleport you.
You could use your hearth stone, if you havn't set it yet then it will just take you back to the starting area.
I know. I know I could easily go back.

But god...the curiosity.
Anyway just jump, you will probably hit a branch in the tree and die though before you hit the water.
I think I was in the same spot the very first time I played WoW. Just 20 minutes into the game and I fell off the edge. I say jump!
Worst that can happen is that you'll have to use the Spirit Healer and take a little item degration.
hehe I know exactly where you are ...btw this is just a thought ..but why not just use your runestone and go back to the inn?

btw if you jump, you're either dead or worse you'll be in the water nowhere near close to shore ..so you'll have to swim to make landfall or drown
I'v seen a video of a mage casting slow fall on him self and mounting a horse then jumping off the edge and landing in Dark shore.

Also I have before managed to jump from branch to branch all the way to the bottom.
hehe trust me it's not fun when you have to retrieve your body and then swim for 30 minutes before finding a spot to wade ashore ..the exact same thing happened to me in that exact spot
When an option reaches 10 votes...I'll do it. And upload a video or a screenshot. This is fun, if a little exhorbitionist. But I don't care! :D
but what happens when both of them reach 10? will you dance then jump, or just jump?
I know that if I buy WoW my life will go down the toilet
I copied WoW from a friend, set up a private server on one of his many computers, and played on that for about a week. It was fun until too many noobs joined and he had to shut it down for bandwith reasons. :D
I made a human warrior before I made a night elf rogue about a month later with my friend. I accidently fell into a similiar spot you're in. I jumped, and I think I died...or maybe hit the water.

Mutley said:
WoW = Death of social life.

What's a social life?

zomg my warrior! 80 days played thank you very much

Well heres some screenshots... heres my priest whoreing it up in silithus


first nef kill




and most recently us after we pwned Ossirian the Unscarred from aq20


and the obligitory orange hammer


damn I hijacked a thread :( i'm an ass
Nice pics BHC. Did you get nefarian down?

My guild has killed firemaw, but right now Vael is destroying us. So many 1% wipes I can't count em. Killed Rag last night though.... ;\ We would have killed him last Monday but the tank before me didn't take off salv, so I took agro, then we wiped (at 2%, he later got to 1% on the zerg)
bah, I would so like to have a shot at the big end bosses, but my guild will unlikely ever get there, had good fun doing onyxia to get Quel'Serrar and later helping out with domo with a mates guild tho :( I'm with friends though so that's alright, plus they just started doing ZG :)
If your a hunter, cancel your subscribtion there is too many of you! :P j/k

I am a undead priest and I like to melt ppl :sleep:
Baal said:
Nice pics BHC. Did you get nefarian down?

My guild has killed firemaw, but right now Vael is destroying us. So many 1% wipes I can't count em. Killed Rag last night though.... ;\ We would have killed him last Monday but the tank before me didn't take off salv, so I took agro, then we wiped (at 2%, he later got to 1% on the zerg)

Yeah, we were killing everything in bwl for awhile. Too bad the guild just broke up. Good times though! Looking for a new raiding home now :p

Baal said:
Nice pics BHC. Did you get nefarian down?

My guild has killed firemaw, but right now Vael is destroying us. So many 1% wipes I can't count em. Killed Rag last night though.... ;\ We would have killed him last Monday but the tank before me didn't take off salv, so I took agro, then we wiped (at 2%, he later got to 1% on the zerg)

lol at tanks with salvation :)
babyheadcrab said:
Yeah, we were killing everything in bwl for awhile. Too bad the guild just broke up. Good times though! Looking for a new raiding home now :p

lol at tanks with salvation :)

It was a small error :( He forgot to take it off when his turn came up because he was on the phone or someone messaged him on MSN.

Whichever of the two it was I forget, but something retarded. We would have had him too!! :(