LOST - The Internet game to connect us all


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Your invitation:

LOST is a student project. The aim of LOST is to show how 7 million people connect to one another, and break the record for the game with the most players ever!

LOST enables you to interact with people across the world, and see how you are linked to them.

Peoples ideas to gain influence...



The project is not long in coming, but I'm guessing it will get it's 7 million once it hits the far areas on the internet.
LOST is a student project. The aim of LOST is to show how 7 million people connect to one another, and break the record for the game with the most players ever!

LOST enables you to interact with people across the world, and see how you are linked to them..

Ahem there are games with a lot more than 7 million players.

And it allows me to interact with people across the world? gee golly wizz!
In theory this sounds very creative and innocent enough like a "science project". In reality I don't need yet another user name and password to keep track of, and I'm not looking forward to being spammed by this not only in every website I go to but possibly in real life too, if it catches on.
Joining the game (you have been invited - scroll down to play)

To play LOST you have to find an invitation. An invitation is an internet address that looks like this: www.lost.eu/example, but instead of the word 'example' there are some random numbers or letters. There are invitations on the internet, and in the real world. They could be anywhere - on web pages, inside book covers, written in chalk on a pavement or across a beach in the sand.

Playing the game

Once you join the game, you will be given a username and password, so that you can log in to your profile. Your profile will show a timer, counting down to zero. If the timer reaches zero, you will lose the game. You can reset your timer by inviting someone to the game yourself.

Winning the game

For every person you invite to the game, you gain one point. For every person they invite, you gain ? point. The person with the most number of points wins the prize when the game ends. Prizes will also be given to the nine runners up. This will happen when the game reaches 7 million players.
Forget that 7 million isn't a record for an online game, I'm not seeing how this even qualifies as a "game" in the first place.
i admit i'm curious
it's not related to that pisstake of a tv show is it?

*falls down rabbit hole / clicks link

Take that back you homo!
Lost is teh rockzorz in thy boxzorz.
Its the w00t in the pants.
Isn't it just a big (free :p) pyramid scheme?
My friend sent me a link to this about a month ago, i doubt it will catch on... its kinda stupid
Sounds kind of interesting if a little pointless. I might have a go just to see how many people I can get to go on it just by writing a random web address everywhere.
I have enough trouble getting people to join my religion, let alone a silly site.
Isn't this like the vampire game? You get people to click on a link that you give them and it tells them they got biten by a vampire (you) and they are now vampires. They have to get other people to visit their site and turn them into vampires. The vampire with the biggest following wins.
What religion?
uuhm... Sado-Anglo-Saxon-Pagan-ism ?
I figure it's something about Devils and babies in Sandwiches.

Anyway this seems much like a pyramid scheme. If they had advertising on their site they could get a lot of money from the masses.