LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
You know when you get those exciting gaming moments? I just had one. Edge fell through the letter box and there was Toku on the front cover, on a rope bridge between two mountains.

Following directly from the original, this is a longer adventure with a greater focus on narrative and a bunch of new ideas. The most obvious seeming to be a new spirit that allows you to switch between summer and winter (in addition to the wind/fire/water stuff in the first game I imagine we'll be turning water to ice and suchlike). Toku can now swim, create cyclones, and generally have more impact on his surroundings giving the player more scope for messing around and experimentation.

Needless to say, :bounce: :cheers:

This isn't a scan, honest
Holy EEEEFFFFFFF!!!! Wow. That is some of the LEAST expected but MOST enjoyable news I have heard in a while!! Gotta get a look at that mag when it is on shelves here in the US.
This is amazing. The first Lost Winds was an amazing game, even though it was short. I am so looking forward to this.

This also supports my opinion of Warbie being my favorite source of video game information.
No need to fight, there's enough room on my jock for everyone :)
Great review. I need to get more Wii points because this is a must-buy.

On a side note, doesn't it suck trying to maintain a thread all by yourself? Good work though!!
Wait, I don't see it in Wiiware. Why do you lie to me, Warbie?
Nope - it's there, i'm playing it. So far it's lovely - a little more involved than part one but still the same, chilled fun. Simply moving around is fun in Lost Winds :)
Found it yet?

Winter of the Melodias is excellent so far.
As far as I can tell it hasn't been added to the library at all, for me anyway.