Lots of fun yesterday in Battlefield 2


May 8, 2005
Reaction score
OK, it started yesterday. I was checking Xfire, and I saw Q_onfused was on. I joined his server and his squad and the map was Kubra Dam. We just went crazy.
  • I found a cheap way to capture the base next to the USMC one (Wait on the ladder near the flag)
  • We blew up the big bridge that crosses the gorge with 15 packs of C4 and a FAV
  • On the damn where the attack chopper spawns, we planted C4 all over it and (as a tribute to the 4th of July) waited until some poor guy went into and went into the air and we blew it up.
  • He successfully flew a transport copter through a dam tunnel.
  • I parachuted off the edge of the dam and died half the time.
  • He ran a FAV loaded with C4 successfully into a tank and blew it up (may he rest in peace).
  • Three of us got killed by a sniper with a pistol. Three guys possessing carbines got killed by a guy with only a pistol.
  • The next map was Gulf of Oman and Q_onfused did some nosedives into the carrier.
  • I took a picture of one.
  • Another dude ( a pre-puberty Jewish kid [ we could tell by his voice and he claimed he was Jewish ]) (BTW, his nickname was FireRow) did some more nosedives.
  • Q-onfused eventually was banned because he had -61 points and tked quite a few times.
The link to the picture I took is below, and I hope the HL2.NET clan can get together using Xfire and VOIP so we can own the other team.

ricera10 said:
  • He successfully flew a transport copter through a dam tunnel.

  • Lol, I love doing that, you get chased by an AA transport thingy firing missiles at you like mad, so you plummet as fast as you can with flares flying out, pull up just before you hit the ground, fly right through the pipe, and level out the other side.
    Every single time you try it your entire team will scream and bail before you even get into the pipe, its hillarious.
RipperRoo said:
Every single time you try it your entire team will scream and bail before you even get into the pipe, its hillarious.

"oh shit guys, jump, the pilots gone :rolling:"
Yeah I played with Q_onfused a few days ago, I guess he randomly connected to a server I was on. He about got banned from it for tk'ing.