Louisiana at it again- Louisiana's OTHER Video Game Bill Heads to Guv


Dec 9, 2005
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Yep, it's Louisiana,

Louisiana's OTHER Video Game Bill Heads to Guv

Suddenly, Louisiana has become a focal point in the political struggle over video games.

Late last week, of course, Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco signed HB1381, the Jack Thompson-authored video game bill into law. Quicker than you can say "unconstitutional" the ESA and EMA filed a First Amendment challenge.

But, as previously reported on GamePolitics there is a second video game bill working its way through the legislative process in the Pelican State. SB340, sponsored by Sen. James David Cain (R, seen at left) enjoys the full support of the video game industry.


Like Maryland's HB707, SB340 bans minors from purchasing games with sexually explicit content. There is no mention of violent game content in the final version of the bill. The industry did not oppose the Maryland law as it essentially mirrors existing obscenity statutes. The same holds true for SB340. It is much the same as blocking a minor from buying a XXX-rated DVD.

As reported by the New Orleans Times-Picayune, the Louisiana House passed SB340 95-0 late last week. The bill now goes to Gov. Blanco who is expected to sign it into law today as the current legislative session comes to a close.

And of course, Jack Thompson is at it again!
I dont mind this one as much... or at all even. Sex in video games is nowhere near as fun, or commonplace as violence is in video games. Let em ban sexually explicit content, it wont be a big deal at all.
Krynn72 said:
I dont mind this one as much... or at all even. Sex in video games is nowhere near as fun, or commonplace as violence is in video games. Let em ban sexually explicit content, it wont be a big deal at all.

I agree... I don't like sexuality and it's wrong. What I like is action, thrilling and puzzle games and not sexuality.

So uh... I think this bill is okay, as long as they don't ban all of the games. Nowadays, say goodbye to sexuality content games. What we really need is great action games that can keep us going.

By the way, is Max Payne 2 a sexual game?

P.S I hate children and teenagers.
I hope this does not cover sexual references/overtones? That would restrict artistic freedom.
99.vikram said:
I hope this does not cover sexual references/overtones? That would restrict artistic freedom.

What can you expect? This is Louisiana, the anti-game legislators there are thick-skulled. It's sad to know that Jack Thompson wasted his time to travel from Miami and down to Louisiana, he wasted his time. I would suggest he go back to Miami.
Double_Blade said:
I agree... I don't like sexuality and it's wrong. What I like is action, thrilling and puzzle games and not sexuality.

what? you're doing exactly what Thompson is doing by condemning something as inappropriate for the general public ..you have no right dicatating what I can and cant view/play/consume no more so than anybody else does. Sexuality is not wrong, just because you think it is doesnt make it so

Double_Blade said:
So uh... I think this bill is okay, as long as they don't ban all of the games. Nowadays, say goodbye to sexuality content games. What we really need is great action games that can keep us going.

By the way, is Max Payne 2 a sexual game?

P.S I hate children and teenagers.

the Adults Only rating currently in use by the ESRB prohibits minors from purchasing sexually explicit games anyways, why do we need additional legislation? This bill is setting a precedent most likely to open the door to violence as obscenity laws which is far more dangerous
Oh sorry, so, yeah, I learnt my lesson. But as for Thompson, he had done more than 1000 sorry crimes in this world and I fear for him, that he will never get forgiveness from the public and especially the gaming world and Bill Gates's Internet world.
meh forgiveness, he's lucky he doesnt get a kick in the balls by some 12 yr old angry at not being able to buy a game
CptStern said:
meh forgiveness, he's lucky he doesnt get a kick in the balls by some 12 yr old angry at not being able to buy a game

Probably some angry anti-Thompson people will throw him inside a big bathroom and locked him in.
It merely bans minors from buying videogames, right? They're not supposed to be able to get the games in the first place, so shouldn't this just reinforce existing laws?
Jintor said:
It merely bans minors from buying videogames, right? They're not supposed to be able to get the games in the first place, so shouldn't this just reinforce existing laws?

I agree. I think children and teens shouldn't be playing any games, games fit for only 17 and above people. So sorry children. Like what George Carlin said,

George Carlin said:
**** the children.
Double_Blade said:
I agree. I think children and teens shouldn't be playing any games, games fit for only 17 and above people. So sorry children. Like what George Carlin said,

Why is that?

I see no reason to ban games from all children. Ultimately, it's the parents choice in how they want to raise their children.

Can somebody quote this or something. I'm pretty sure the fag still has me on his ignore list.
sinkoman said:
Why is that?

I see no reason to ban games from all children. Ultimately, it's the parents choice in how they want to raise their children.

Can somebody quote this or something. I'm pretty sure Double_Blade still has me on his ignore list.

Quoted and fixed :p
Quoting is no use at all... I will still pretend that there is none of sinkoman's posts. Man, sinkoman, you're only just on a quest for attention.

By the way, games are only meant for people aged 17 and above.
Double_Blade said:
By the way, games are only meant for people aged 17 and above.

No, that's just the rating (recommended). It's ultimately the parents' decision what is or isn't suitable for their kids, and let's keep it that way.
99.vikram said:
No, that's just the rating (recommended). It's ultimately the parents' decision what is or isn't suitable for their kids, and let's keep it that way.

Especially teenagers aren't allowed to play video games too.

See these evidences,

James vs. Meow media



Michael Carneal played Resident Evil and Capcom has to be blamed for it.

It is because of teenagers, we had to get into this mess and developers (including Capcom) were being blamed.

It is not video games fault you know.
what? you sound like Jack thompson ..you obviously dont quite understand the issues around legislating video games
CptStern said:
what? you sound like Jack thompson ..you obviously dont quite understand the issues around legislating video games

I don't sound like Jack Thompson and I hate him for being racist. If I can recall back, Michael Carneal is 14 years old. It is because of these people, video games can get into trouble and it's not video games fault that people resort to violence, it's because of their wicked thoughts and greed and sadistic behaviour.

Sorry if I offend you, but sometimes, truth does hurt.
racist? how is Jack racist?

"the truth does hurt" what are you talking about? what "truth"?

the fact that those kids had M rated games is meaningless in determining whether M rated games are suitable for minors: a few isolated cases does not prove M rated games are unsuitable for minors. Its excatly the same argument that Jack Thompson uses to justify banning the sale of video games to minors

Double_Blade said:
Like what George Carlin said,

George Carlin was the narrator of Thomas the Train for 7 years ...a kids show. He liked kids. My son loves thomas the train ... /me glares at Double_Blade
Double_Blade said:
It is because of teenagers, we had to get into this mess and developers (including Capcom) were being blamed.

So all teenagers have to pay the price for what a few retards do?

Here's a reality check, the majority of gamers are teenagers!
wtf? I guess you haven't heard of E or T rated games have you, double_blade? I've been playing video games from the cradle and I'm not some ****ed up psycho.
Double_Blade said:
Quoting is no use at all... I will still pretend that there is none of sinkoman's posts. Man, sinkoman, you're only just on a quest for attention.

By the way, games are only meant for people aged 17 and above.

I'm sorry, but that's just the most ignorant statement I've read in a week.

Heard of E games? Barbie games? Reader Rabbit games? I would get more but I just put my box of old games away last night after finding Dark Forces 2.

(Not directed at quoted person)
Sure, I could probably reload and operate just about any commonplace modern or ww2 weapon due to extensive playing of FPS's, but I'm not about to use that knowledge to shoot up my school. If I had a gun at home, I would know how to use it to protect my family. The politicians talk about being desensitized to violence and heavy emotion. Maybe so, but atleast in an emergency I won't go cower in a corner when action could save lives. On an operating table, surgeons who play precision video-games, such as FPSes, are *proven* to be much more skilled, which means less deaths by surgeon error. Maybe when these politicians family go on the operating table they'd better appreciate the need for more widespread gaming.

Don't even get me started on the ridiculous treatment of sex in society. My god, it's how we reproduce you stupid, stupid people. How about instead of hiding it all from your children, you explain it to them, be open. Oh noes they'll masturbate, or god forbid want to try it. Not if you're a half-decent parent that understands your kid. If you know they will no matter what you say, give them condoms/birth control pills and tell them to atleast use them. Though, stopping masturbation IS going to make them want to rape a girl/become a slut.

Jintor said:
It merely bans minors from buying videogames, right? They're not supposed to be able to get the games in the first place, so shouldn't this just reinforce existing laws?

There are no laws concerning video games, only suggestions, I believe. The ESRB rates games, and most video game retailers follow these ratings and don't sell explicit games to minors. Meaning, you cannot get in legal trouble for selling an M game to a kid.

Once the government intevenes, making laws and such, the ESRB will have a lot of pressure on it. Its not a government-run rating system, either, so it will probably be scrapped for another government-run rating system. And most of the time, the ratings will be more ridiculous.

I don't see how supporting laws to punish retailers from selling games to kids is a step in the right direction. However, if the game has sexual content, like say an interactive porno, there are existing laws concerning the sale of pornography to children. That's as far as it should stay, and this bill is reinforcing that, but also stretching the boundry...

I just wonder what "sexually explicit content" means. Does it mean real footage that could be considered porn by itself? Or does it mean an animated sexual sequence? Or does it mean any reference to sexual acts, like say the prostitutes in the GTA games?
sinkoman said:
Why is that?

I see no reason to ban games from all children. Ultimately, it's the parents choice in how they want to raise their children.
Right, so let the parents by the video games for their kids if they want to. That way they can't blame the video game industry. THEY made the purchase, THEY gave it to their kid. Buyer beware and all they, THEY are responsible.
Steve said:
Right, so let the parents by the video games for their kids if they want to. That way they can't blame the video game industry. THEY made the purchase, THEY gave it to their kid. Buyer beware and all they, THEY are responsible.

...so you support government restriction of the video game industry?

The ESRB should work exactly like the MPAA, in my opinion.

Which leads me to ask: The MPAA is not government run, correct? It is not illegal for a minor to watch an "R" rated film, right?
Erestheux said:
...so you support government restriction of the video game industry?

The ESRB should work exactly like the MPAA.
Did I say I supported it? No. If you think my point about accountability is invalid, please tell me why.

But guess what? It won't affect me, so I have very little reason to care. I don't support it, but since it won't affect me, I won't care if it happens.

Oh, and do you see 15-year-olds getting into R and NC-17 movies by themselves (without sneaking in, etc)? No. Because the movie theatres won't allow them to. If the game vendors were more responsible, like the movie industry, this wouldn't be necessary.
I got into a lot, lot, lot of R rated movies as a 16 year old and younger. It depends on the theater.

I would have been fired from my electronics job at Target if I sold an "M" rated game to a minor. It depends on the retailer.

The truth is, the current system works fine, but no matter what kids will get inappopriate games. That's not the fault of the vendors and definately not the fault of the game makers. Its the fault of the parents and only the parents.

You didn't say you supported it, no, but it seems like you want stricter enforcement of minors getting adult games.

Also, if you think it won't effect you, you're wrong. Once laws are instated that have the government interfereing with rating video games, they may start banning some. Their rating system will most definately be much more ridiculous than ESRB's, which would put pressure on the game industry to not take artistic freedom for the sake of getting that "PG-13" rating so they are allowed to sell to more kids.

The parents decide what is right for their kids. The kids shouldn't be able to get the M rated games any easier than the R rated movies. The government has no say on the morals of the family.
Erestheux said:
The truth is, the current system works fine, but no matter what kids will get inappopriate games. That's not the fault of the vendors and definately not the fault of the game makers. Its the fault of the parents and only the parents.

I agree, it is. But until the buck stops with the parents, until nobody but the parents can buy the game for the kids, the video game industry is going to keep taking hit after hit, because you know the hare-brained parents these days never want to accept responsibility for their actions or the actions of their kids.

Edit:Sorry, just thought of this. Are you of the ilk that says "Oh, well, junkies are just gonna get their hands on heroin anyway, let's legalize it"?
I think it's society's fault in general ..they label video games as "toys" but then are shocked when there's graphic depiction of violence in their 11 year old's game. I mean they wouldnt buy then a violent movie because of the social stigma behind it ..but because they've written off video games as children's toys they're shocked when they find it isnt meant for children. So ignorance leads to outrage. It's the same thing that happened to comic when overnight the comic book industry was crushed by a few senate commitee hearings ..even though it was the parents who were most vocal after the hearings themselves
Steve said:
Edit:Sorry, just thought of this. Are you of the ilk that says "Oh, well, junkies are just gonna get their hands on heroin anyway, let's legalize it"?

I'm the ilk that says "Victimless crimes are not crimes, drugs should not be illegal" but that's kind of different.

I'm also the ilk that says "The current system is fine: It keeps the blame off of the retailer and keeps the blame off of the game industry and leaves the blame where it belongs: the parents." I don't see how arresting some poor retailer that forgot to check some 17 year old's ID when he sold him an M 18+ game is going to do anything besides make the game industy more shitty and make everything suck.
Erestheux said:
I'm the ilk that says "Victimless crimes are not crimes, drugs should not be illegal" but that's kind of different.
You think drug addictions are victimless crimes? HA!

I'm also the ilk that says "The current system is fine: It keeps the blame off of the retailer and keeps the blame off of the game industry and leaves the blame where it belongs: the parents." I don't see how arresting some poor retailer that forgot to check some 17 year old's ID when he sold him an M 18+ game is going to do anything besides make the game industy more shitty and make everything suck.
But the thing is, the current system DOESN'T keep the blame off the industry and the retailer. Is that where it should be? Yes. Is that where the current system ALLOWS it to be? Most definitely. But because the retailers are still able to sell this stuff to minors stupid people can still paste the blame on them and the games industry in general.
Steve said:
You think drug addictions are victimless crimes? HA!

I think that drug use is a victimless crime :|

I think that a person is responsible for their actions, and if their actions do not harm another person then the government should not interfere.

A family and friends can get involved with helping out an addict, and there can be government-run clinics to help them quit.

But making drugs illegal will not make the problem go away, but in fact make it get much much worse.

You can laugh at me all you want, Steve, but I want the ability to choose for myself what I do with my life. How about you screw off, as this has very little to do with this thread anyway.

But the thing is, the current system DOESN'T keep the blame off the industry and the retailer. Is that where it should be? Yes. Is that where the current system ALLOWS it to be? Most definitely. But because the retailers are still able to sell this stuff to minors stupid people can still paste the blame on them and the games industry in general.

What the hell are you talking about? That makes no sense. Its the game industry and retailer that allows games to be played by children, who's parents don't want them to play these games? It doesn't matter what system is in place-- the parent's are always to blame what their kids play. Unless the game industry were using some ridiculous propagandous advertising trying to get kid's hooked on Mature games (like the cigerette companies) they are not to blame, the parent's inattentiveness is. And I don't see very much advertising aimed at kids by the adult game industry.

Making laws because stupid people use scapegoats is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. We don't make laws to appease ignorant people.

It isn't the game industry's fault that they make games that some families would consider inappropriate for their kids.
It is the parent's fault for allowing their kids to play something that they have deemed inappropriate for them.
Making laws to make it so that parents don't have to parent their kids is only appeasing lazy terrible parents and ignorant fools.
Erestheux said:
You can laugh at me all you want, Steve, but I want the ability to choose for myself what I do with my life. How about you screw off, as this has very little to do with this thread anyway.
Fine. We'll leave that for another day.

Making laws to make it so that parents don't have to parent their kids is only appeasing lazy terrible parents and ignorant fools.
I guess you're right.