Low Fps ...



Hi , i'm having very low framerate compared to my friends Pc and i dunno why , my friend with a : AMD 2600+ , 512 Mgb Ram , FX5900XT 128 Mgb , is getting 40~45 Fps , and i'm having 30~25 Fps using : AMD 3000+ , 2 G Ram , Radeon 9800XT 256Mgb ...
even changing the video setting to "LOW EVERYTHING" didn't higher the FPS .
i Noticed that the HARDWARE DIRECTX of the FX one was 8 and for the Radeon one was 9 ...
is there a way to run TF2 in DX8 Mode? ( so that the FPS would go up ... ) Thx in advance
where is "Launch Properties" plz ?
tried the Console at the "Startup" Screen , but it said "Unknown Command DX_level "
Done it , but anychanges in the FPS can be seen , still the same , even in DX 8.1 :*( :(*
You have all the updated drivers right? If you don't then an update might boost your fps quite a bit.

If you do well then, I'm not sure, it could be that somethings just not right in your software, or possibly your 9800 Radeon is starting to quit.

Hope you fix it and soon play TF2
yes i'm at the latest driver ...
and i still get 3300 score in 3Dmark 05 ...
Thx everyOne :)