Low framerate in HQ youtube videos


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
I usually watch movies on youtube in low quality (only 1Mbit connection), though sometimes, for example when watching trailers, I choose the HQ option. Up until recently both LQ and HQ have not given me problems.

But now, some of the HQ videos, such as the Decadence trailer or the BF1943 trailer are played with a low framerate (audio is fine) - my guess is about 10 FPS (after they're fully loaded of course). On the other hand, I watched one of the Watchmen trailers in HQ just now and it was fine.

I noticed, however, that the Watchmen trailer had the standard timeline underneath the video, while the BF1943 trailer had a smaller one, as if in a higher resolution (though, of course, I'm not switching between resolutions). Is that a different version of the player or what?

I have no problems playing movies in general, doesn't matter whether it's DivX or DVD resolution. I have the latest version of Flash.

Any ideas why this is happening?
same shit happens to me sometimes, idk whats causing it.
Yeah the same thing happens to me as well. The HD option used to work fine, but now it constantly stutters.
I noticed the same but it only happens with specific videos.
Youtube is so picky nowadays. I uploaded a couple of videos at 1280 x 720 the other week and the HD option appeared but two days ago I uploaded another and I can only watch it in High Quality. :\