Lucid Dreaming


Sep 23, 2003
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What do you guys think about Lucid Dreaming?
Anyone ever attempt or done it before? Seems interesting and im going to try it.
If you have no idea what a Lucid Dream is- it's basically the ability to announce inside of your dream state that you are dreaming. Once this is complete your mind wakes up- yet your body does not. Therefor you are in your head/dream and can have complete control. Supposedly everything gets very vivid and looks almost exactly as real life does. Scents, feelings, sights, tastes, everything.

heres a link - basically overviews what it is and how to induce it. I know a few people that have done it before.
Being able to lucid dream will take time. You must practice two things. One, get into a habit of performing reality checks. Once this is an unconcious habit, you will do it in your dreams without thinking about it and realize you are dreaming.

Two, you must be able to remember your dreams. This is an obvious one, because what good is a dream if you don't remember it? A site I read said you should be able to recall a couple dreams every night before you are ready for lucid dreaming.

If you have those two elements down pat, (it will take time) then you really don't have to "induce" them on purpose, they will simply happen.
I never thought it was worth "getting into" since most people (me included) get lucid dreams naturally once in a while. They're fun while they last, but I don't have the time and dedication to force myself to have them.
I've probably only had very few. I don't remember my dreams very much.
I'll admit I had one once, realized I was dreaming, and said "Oh I'm in a dream I can do what I want to this girl."

You can finish the rest:o
vegeta897 said:
Being able to lucid dream will take time. You must practice two things. One, get into a habit of performing reality checks. Once this is an unconcious habit, you will do it in your dreams without thinking about it and realize you are dreaming.

Two, you must be able to remember your dreams. This is an obvious one, because what good is a dream if you don't remember it? A site I read said you should be able to recall a couple dreams every night before you are ready for lucid dreaming.

If you have those two elements down pat, (it will take time) then you really don't have to "induce" them on purpose, they will simply happen.
Well, Basically this came up on the forums along time ago when someone was talking about astral projection. I got itno lucid dreams and kept track of my dreams for about 2 weeks and i found it was extrememly easy to remember at least 2-3 dreams a night and was shocked because normally I never remembered my dreams unless they were emotional. When summer hit I forgot about doing this and I sortof forgot about it. The other day it came up again and I decided to try again. First I told myself last night to remember my dreams and sure enough I remembered 2-3 again. Very simple as long as I tell myself to remember them. Reality checks I do once in a while but I don't see them happening in my dreams. thats why im going to try some techniques.

Danimal... are they natural or do you induce them?
Also, I think I have been accidently very close to inducing dreams just by accident. Normally when I have the tv on and im falling asleep I will start to see images play out in my head. If I play games for a long time normally ill be playing them in my head. But for example I would be playing baseball and i could still hear the TV so I was on the border line and then suddenly I get hit in the face and my whole body sort of jerks and i totally wake up. I am sure you guys have experience soemthning like that.
MiccyNarc said:
I'll admit I had one once, realized I was dreaming, and said "Oh I'm in a dream I can do what I want to this girl."

You can finish the rest:o

You took her on a nice walk along the beach as the waves crashed at your feet while the moonlight shined on her beautiful, elegant peach skin? :D.

I've had a few Lucid Dreams. They're quite...spectacular.
If I could have more lucid dreams, I would start trying to explore my subconscious. I'm sure there's alot hiding in there.
You took her on a nice walk along the beach as the waves crashed at your feet while the moonlight shined on her beautiful, elegant peach skin? .
Well basically, in a lucid dream, you realize your dreaming and from there, can subconsciously control it. So, my dealings with lucid dreaming have been great.
I used to be really into this stuff. Had some weird, some amazing and some experiences that really were out of this world.

i really can't be arsed with it nowadays.. takes a whole lot of work. but maybe i should get into it again because it was really fun.
I've had one, but it is hard for me. My dreams are very... discreet to say the least. I can realize I am dreaming, but, I feel half dreaming, and half somewhere else.
EDIT: I shouldn't say that, I've been able to fly in my dreams by extreme amount of 'focus'. I did this alot, though, it was when I was around 7-9 and watched alot of DBZ
I was being chased by a T-rex in one dream, realized I was dreaming, and then I proceeded to blow the T-rex away with extreme prejudice.... it kicked ass
I recognize that I'm dreaming almost every time I have a good dream. Once I know I'm in a dream I wake up.
yeah, nowadays it's often like if i don't like what i'm dreaming i go "bad stuff like this only happens in dreams, **** this" or if it's an incredible dream (read: sex) i wake up at the most inappropriate times. :(
I love Lucid Dreams, and they happen a lot. What I usually do is give myself freaky powers and start going on a rampage :)
*coughs* o.o
I've never seen my name mentioned so many times before *tear*

I've had my fair share of lucid dreams... with all the horror movies I watch? How can I not?

One was so damn real that I remember it in detail... I pretty much wrote it down as soon as I woke up,
I was in my highschool, it was about 1 in the morning... in my dream and in rl too, It was pitchblack and all I had was this gas lantern... I kept hearing echoing screams... I shone the lantern towards a staircase and thought I saw a shadow leap out of sight, I heard a faint snarl.
I ran towards the staircase with a nervous jog, all of a sudden a body falls on top of me... it's the janitor... I drop the lantern, but it's floating in midair... I think, what the hell?... this can't be real... so I just extended my arm out and moved the lantern down the staircase, I hear the screams again... I can finally make out who's screaming, it's my girl.
So, I move into the cafeteria and I see a pack of wolf-like creatures feasting on a corpse on the otherside of the cafeteria... Three of the tables levitate and smash into them... I hear howls of pain.
I'm wondering how the hell I'm doing this... out of the right side of the cafeteria, 6 of these wolves dive through the windows on top of me.
I basically got up and threw them off effortlessly and turned them all into my Civics teacher, and proceeded to beat all of their faces in...( my civics teacher is a total asshat. :| )
After about 20 minutes of doing so, I continue my search for my girl... and lo and behold she's in the Shop corridors, in automotive... being... ravaged by this asshole who used to pick on me back in 7th grade.
I just stare at him, and his head explodes... blood splattering all over the place... except her, even when he's right on top of her... no blood at all on her.
She sees me, I see her... our eyes lock... she smiles... I smile... I wake up, and it's about noon time(1pm-ish), and I went to bed around 10pm.

A bit lengthy, but yeah... there ya go.
I have had lucid dreams before. Mostly, they become lucid shortly before I wake up, and I realize that I only have limited time to bang as many dreamstate chicks as I can in as short of a time as possible.

Note: I don't consider sex "banging", I thought it'd be humorous. :-P
Raziaar said:
I only have limited time to bang as many dreamstate chicks as I can in as short of a time as possible.

It sounds a gameshow! Albeit a gameshow that Bruce Forsyth wouldn't touch with a 20 foot pimp-cane.
I had a few lucid dreams when I was reading and thinking about them quite much. Haven't had one in a long time.
Anyone interested in this subject needs to do themselves a favor and rent/watch/buy a movie called "Waking Life." It's a great movie in my opinion and really opens up the doors of lucid dreaming. There is also a lot of popular philosophy in there from the major schools of thought.
Fishlore is 100% correct. I just bought Waking Life the other day on a whim and it's an amazing movie.
JNightshade said:
I've had several, and they're extremely cool.


:dozey: :dozey: :dozey: :dozey: :dozey: :dozey: :D
I'm afraid to even try lucid dreams. like, not anxious, but really afraid. I'm not sure why.
I've had a few in my lifetime. I'm working on learning dream recall and induction techniques, though - using the same site linked to in the original post in this thread, though i found it seperately.

I remember a lot of my dreams, though, so I guess that's a good start.
I've had plenty of lucid dreams, and for some reason (I control it) I always want to fight in these dreams, I never even think about girls, but since I've got powers and all that, I kick ASS! All the matrix moves and shit, it's sweet (Plus gunplay :D)
I rarely remember my dreams anymore, I wish there was a way to do so. Does just telling yourself to remember them work?

Never had a lucid one that I remember either :( sounds like a blast though
OvA said:
I rarely remember my dreams anymore, I wish there was a way to do so. Does just telling yourself to remember them work?

Never had a lucid one that I remember either :( sounds like a blast though

Tell yourself before you go to bed, "OvA(or whatever your name is), you're going to have a mother****ing GREAT lucid dream tonight, and if you don't, so help me god, i'm going to kill you in your sleep!"
Had a few very cool and/or real ones come on naturally.
A school trip, to some sort of odd dystopian neon-smeared grimy city. Kind of like a cross between Slough and Singapore. Me and this very hot girl, whose appearance I remember very clearly (short, with short hair died some colour, slightly goth-ish but not overly so, large eyes, small, round face with a very small nose) had apparently established our desire to have sex with each other before the dream started, so we snuck off from the group hand-in-hand trying to find somewhere to ****. We went through a whole load of potential locations, most of which were either inconvenient, uncomfortable, populated or just plain ridiculous (in a dumpster...under a Thinking about it, in real life I might have settled for under the motorway...or maybe not. Eventually we found a very cheap hotel that was being rented out to illegal immigrants, and rented a room the size of maybe 4 cupboards, but just as I was about the close the door and she put her arms over my shoulders, the guy outside said "hey, not coming to barbecue?" And me and the girl looked at each other, and laughed, because we had like another 3 days before the school would leave the city and so we went out onto this strange concrete balcony, roofed with hodgepodge chunks of canvas and corrugated iron, where all the illegal immigrants were having a barbecue. We sat on the metal railing, and I put my hand in hers

F*ck's sake.

Just as I was about to eat the burger!
I'm not sure how bad Lucid dreaming can be, but I heard Astral Projection was very dangerous, because sometimes you can't find your way back to your body to wake up. Is this true?
dekstar said:
I'm not sure how bad Lucid dreaming can be, but I heard Astral Projection was very dangerous, because sometimes you can't find your way back to your body to wake up. Is this true?

Astral Projection sounds like bullshit, but Lucid Dreaming is entirely real.
Maybe your just dreaming that your lucid.
Solaris said:
Maybe your just dreaming that your lucid.

Heh. Do you understand the concept of lucid dreaming? You have an awareness that you are dreaming, and can change the dream to your minds will. There's no way for your mind to trick you in that scenario.
Raziaar said:
Heh. Do you understand the concept of lucid dreaming? You have an awareness that you are dreaming, and can change the dream to your minds will. There's no way for your mind to trick you in that scenario.
You could dream that you became awake, you just dreamt u did.
you know whats really funny, i feel asleep during the movie waking life. Kinda ironic
I did everything they said to help remember dreams. I even put a notepad and pencil by my bed. When I woke up this morning, the scribbles spelled out the words "Sausage" "Zombie Master" and "ROCK ME AMADEUS"
A dream I had once was one of the ones where your waking up, but your acually dreaming, you wake up again, but your dreaming, ect., ect,... It's scary, you never know if your gonna wake up.