Ludicrous Speed, GO!


Oct 22, 2004
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Okay, I'm sure there's been a thousand other threads like this one, but I can't resist...
If you can't tell, my favorite comedy of all time is Spaceballs.
Figured I'd start a thread where yous guys post your favorite quotes from that movie. There are a lot of them, so no reason this thread should keel over and die... (unless it's just utterly stupid)
I'll start it...

LordHelmet: "This doesn't sound like a radar, what's all that churning and bubbling??"
Colonel Sanders: "We call this Mr. Coffee, Sir... THIS is Mr. Radar"
LordHelmet: "I knew that! I always have coffee when I watch radar! Everyone knows that!"
The part with Micheal Winslow talking about the sounds the radar makes is hilarious.

Well sir, we lost the beeps, we lost the creeps, and we lost the sweeps!
Just FYI, Mel Brooks is writing the script for Spaceballs 2, Hopefully he'll name it the Search for More Money :)
"I knew it! I'm surrounded by assholes! Keep firing assholes!"
(i can't remember it exactly...)

Cournal saunders: Let's go light speed sir
Dark Helmet: NO! Lightspeed is too slow!
Cournal Saunders: Light speed to slow?!
Dark Helmet: Yes...we have to go....LUDACRIS SPEED!!!
Cournal Saunders: LUDACRIS SPEED!!!?!?!??! I don't know if this ship can take it!!!
Dark Helmet: (tells him to say something thrugh the loud speaker)
Cournal Saunders: (does it in a frightened voice)
Dark Helmet: What are you a chicken?! Give me that!! [takes the speaker/mirophone thing] LUDACRIS SPEED, GO!!!!

The space ship is going really fast and crap...

Dark Helmet: STop this thing!!
Cournal Saunders: we cant sir, it's too dangerous.
Dark Helmet: Bullshit! I order you!

spaceship stops. dark helmet crashes into wall.

CS: ar u ok sir?
DH: yes, let's take 5. smoke if u got 'em!

falls down.
Raspberry. Only one many would dare give me the raspberry!
"You may dispense with the pleasantries Commander, I am here to put you back on schedule"
I know this is old, but I still watch this movie. The only other movie I've watched as much of is Aliens.

President: Wha- Whats happening!?, Their getting their air back.
Sanders: Its MegaMaid, Shes gone from suck to blow!
DH: you have the ring, and I see your shwarts is as big as mine. Lets see how well you 'handle it'.
President: I don't know about all that beeming stuff, Is it safe?
chick: Oh yes, Snotty beemed me twice last night, It was wonderful.
Wait, whats with all the newbie-love Spaceballs is getting?

Is this an indirect results of the Ascension?
Wasn't there going to be an animated series?
God dammit, Corp. Sheepo! I was going to post the EXACT SAME THING!

Yogurt (lol): May the swartz be with yououoouoyuouyouoyuouo... ah what a world, what a world!

I used to watch this movie ALL the time as a kid, then when I watched it as I got older, it just got funnier, because then I understood everything. I bought it on DVD when I was like 12. It's kick-ass.
Dark Helmet: What are you a chicken?! Give me that!! [takes the speaker/mirophone thing] LUDACRIS SPEED, GO!!!!

Col. Saunders is in fact Col. Sanders, hence the little KFC joke in the film "Whats the matter Col. Sanders? Chicken?"
I actually never really laughed once when watching this movie, but it is fun to watch... if only for all of the spoofing.
There was supossed to be an animated series. Where the hell is it? I swear I saw something that said August 07.

Theres no doubt that Brooks will name it the search for more money. I've always been disapointed in the fact that we didn't see a refrence to Space Jew's. Remember at the end of History of the World Part 2?