

Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
hey guys here an M-4 i made id like to have some crits and help on how to reduce the poly count, its kinda high. 3200.


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It looks good, but m4's look kooler with the scope on the iron site.
hmmm... I wonder where those 3200 tris are hiding... can we get some wires to help yopu optomize?
i think there hiding in the rail and the scope mainly.
well, the rail really shouldn't take much... I mean they're 5 sided boxes.... only should be 10 triangles total. for each box.
Nice job, it looks quite well modelled these days they are so many m4's models its all down to what the skin looks like. I am actually getting really bored of m4's and ak-47's.

6/10 (Mainly because I dislike the weapon)
I am actually getting really bored of m4's and ak-47's.


It's a good model. :) You seem to have reversed the mount, good. Also, if it has to be an armalite, I'd do a RIS version, that's more up-to-date

there are a lot of wasted polies where you have two cylinders meeting. im guessing you use the bevel tool, but in most cases, thats completely unecessary, and wastes polies. all you need to do it have the two cylinders overlapping, and delete the end of the smaller one. saves a lot of polies.

nice model btw
i welded that area, and no those arent wasted polies, i could just remove the edges but that wont lower the poly count.
youre not understanding what im saying. ill try to explain with the aid of a quick model. its sposed to be the part where the front grip meets the reciever. im doing it now, so ill tell you the poly count between your method, and mine.

ok, the first, using your method. making the front grip, then bevelling to get the small conecting piece...polycount : 128
second, using my way. making the front grip as one cylinder, then making another fro the conecting bit, and deleting the unseen end...polycount : 112

ok, so not very much difference, but on a model like this, with a lot of cylinders, and on which i can see you did the same on almost all the same cases, it could reduce your polycount a bit, and when doing low poly modelling, even more.