M&Ms or skittles what's better?

M&Ms or skittles what's better

  • M&Ms

    Votes: 56 55.4%
  • skittles

    Votes: 45 44.6%

  • Total voters
:cheers: Yeah, M&M's. Skittles, if I eat too much, it tastes waaay nasty.
M&Ms are okay, skittles too. They can't hold a candle to some of the stuff I get imported from the UK though. If I could choose only one or the other, I'd go for skittles. Best way to eat skittles is 20 at a time. Mmmmmm.
Skittles! Never been a fan of M&M's, always made me feel kinda sick

Taste the rainbow :D
Peanut M&M's are god... skittles are good too, though... nice mouth excercise.
Yuck, peanut M&M's are awful. I don't mind peanuts, and M&M's are okay... but put them together and.. :x
Sour skittles complete decimate anything but biscuit M&Ms. I think it comes quite close between those two though.
If all inventions of Mankind were as advanced as M&M's, God would be my bitch.
Depends... skittles are nice till you have too many, M&Ms are always nice.

I'd say it's 50/50.
I prefer skittles but i'd have to say m&m's because skittles (after eating a big bag) hurt my gums to much and give me jaw ache.
Kangy said:
Sour skittles complete decimate anything but biscuit M&Ms. I think it comes quite close between those two though.
The man speaks the truth :D
Sour skittles...wtf are they? where the hell you get them from!?
M&M's, peanut version of course. Between Skittles and nutless (fun fact: peanuts are not actually classified as nuts) M&M's, definitely Skittles.
Skittles are for kids; pure sugar, artificial flavors. That being said, I do like skittles. Still, for my pallate, give me M&Ms,. prefferably peanut.
I ask myself this same question every time I go to the convenience store.

Hmm... skittles by a hair.

That happened once =/
I like smarties a lot more than both I think.
Baal said:
I like smarties a lot more than both I think.
haha well said! Beetle shells all the way :D Peanut M&M's are awful, and skittles are nice till you ger bored of the flavours and start choosing colours and playing games with them. Hmmm maybe just me, but you know its time to call it a day there and start melting together kit kat chunkies to look like massive normal kit kats and pretend you are a little pixy :laugh: anyone else watch that tonight?
Ewww skittles are just too chewy, and eeuuugh too.. fruity.. I don't know what it is.. It has no... I can't explain.

M&M's are candy shell covered chocolate. The candy shell is good, and chocolate is always good. You can't beat that. Easier to eat than skittles too.
vegeta897 said:
Ewww skittles are just too chewy, and eeuuugh too.. fruity.. I don't know what it is.. It has no... I can't explain.

M&M's are candy shell covered chocolate. The candy shell is good, and chocolate is always good. You can't beat that. Easier to eat than skittles too.

Skittles are hip and cool.

That's why you see teenagers in the Skittles commercials and big bald pieces of colored chocolate in M&Ms commercials.

What are you? Not cool?

Skittles and M&M's are two different things, you should of done 'M&M's vs Smarties'.
Yeah, I know smarties are teh suxx. But still, skittles are not chocolate and therefore shoudn't be compared to chocolate :|
But its more off a poll on whether you prefer chocolate over ...chewie things...

They compair because they are the same size, simillay sort of product (as in small candy treats)