M Rating and Mods.



I was wondering. Presuming the game will be M-rated will there be any legal way for people under 18 to play/make mods without buying an M-rated game?
It's illegal to play M rated games if your under 18? News to me
Ehh.. I think that M-Rating is more of a recommendation...

The FBI isn't going to come to your house if you play the game. :/
Spark3D said:
I was wondering. Presuming the game will be M-rated will there be any legal way for people under 18 to play/make mods without buying an M-rated game?

I doubt anyway gives a rats ass anyway, unless you're 12 or something. Age rating here is merely an advise.
The rating system is a token of good faith from game makers to the community but not anything that can be enforced by law.

There are some stores that do check id for M rated games, but that is just store policy.
M means you can't BUY it if your under 18. You can play it all you want.
It's pretty much a worthless rating system ever since Columbine.
not completely true

Hazar Dakiri said:
M means you can't BUY it if your under 18. You can play it all you want.

Even with this 'rule' noone cares. I have been buying M rated games since I was 11.
M is actually 17 and older, not 18 and older. That's AO..
It's worth a note that in the UK I believe a BBFC 18 rated game is not allowed to be sold to someone under the age of 18.

I think.
In New Zealand the ratings are pretty serious. Vice City got an R18 sticker, which makes it illegal for stores to sell it to people under 18.
As long as you don't look like you're not a 10 year old trying to buy a mature game, they won't give you crap about purchasing an M rated game. It's still possible that you could buy an M-Rated game, as long as there's a Teen behind the cash register. Only old fogies would give you crap about it.

Anyway, you're not going to get arrested for playing or modding. It would be like getting pocket checked and thrown in a cop car for watching a rated R movie.
in usa and canada 18 plus doesent really mean anything matters where you live really
I live in the us and I saw someone get turned down for buying grand theft.. I think it was at eb.
CRAP! I bought Far Cry and UT2k4 and UT2k3, oh no!

STAFFp18 said:
It's pretty much a worthless rating system ever since Columbine.

The ESRB has been around since 1994. Oh and no one is forcing a developer/manufacturer to submit their games for rating, it's voluntary.
If you are too young kill yourself and hope you re-incarnated as an 18 yearold. TRY it it's fun.

I obtained mature games, went to R rated movies, and secured many other illicit things when I was 12. If you are too dumb to figure it out you don't deserve it.
SixThree said:
The ESRB has been around since 1994. Oh and no one is forcing a developer/manufacturer to submit their games for rating, it's voluntary.

Hey, thanks for checking that on Google for me, rofl
I don't even think the creators of counter strike were 18 when they made it

so is it illeagal to make a M rated game if your under 17?
Not true, folks. You cannot buy a 18+ game at most stores (here in the US amyway, I don't know how they operate in other counties). It doesn't matter if its a teen selling it, its the same. They can get fired for that, pal. No one is that stupid. Its illegal to BUY games when your under 18 unless you have a parent at the time. It is illegal to SELL games to someone under 18. You can play them legally them any age.

And kids do play mature games, I've met 7 year-olds on xbox live and r63. (cringe)
Those people are going to turn out phsycos.
iamaelephant said:
In New Zealand the ratings are pretty serious. Vice City got an R18 sticker, which makes it illegal for stores to sell it to people under 18.

Yeah, same with video stores. If i dont have id i cant get out anything over r16 :(

EDIT: there's pretty big fines here for that
Petabyte said:
And kids do play mature games, I've met 7 year-olds on xbox live and r63. (cringe)
Those people are going to turn out phsycos.

I played wolfenstien and all that when people thought that was bad and i turned out fine *twitch twitch* (j/k bout that part lol).
Petabyte said:
Not true, folks. You cannot buy a 18+ game at most stores (here in the US amyway, I don't know how they operate in other counties). It doesn't matter if its a teen selling it, its the same. They can get fired for that, pal. No one is that stupid. Its illegal to BUY games when your under 18 unless you have a parent at the time. It is illegal to SELL games to someone under 18. You can play them legally them any age.

And kids do play mature games, I've met 7 year-olds on xbox live and r63. (cringe)
Those people are going to turn out phsycos.

I think phsyco's is pushing it a bit but I don't agree that 7 year olds should be playing M games.
Not true, folks. You cannot buy a 18+ game at most stores (here in the US amyway, I don't know how they operate in other counties).
I believe that the only store that really enforces it is Wal Mart.
I walked into EBGames, grabbed Far Cry, and walked out, no problems.
I walked into Best Buy, grabbed the UT2k4 DVD, and walked out, no problems.
I've heard exactly the same from every other underage person I know who's gone in to get an M-rated game.
MiccyNarc said:
I walked into EBGames, grabbed Far Cry, and walked out, no problems.
I walked into Best Buy, grabbed the UT2k4 DVD, and walked out, no problems.
You shoplifter!!! :angry:

It's true, I have bought and rented my share of games that I "shouldn't" be able to buy, with no problems.
Try Gamestop and EB games. And you've heard the same from every underage person because they are not old enough to buy the game. Of course a person 17 or over won't tell you that they were not allowed to purchase the mature game, because they are 17+.
Petabyte said:
Not true, folks. You cannot buy a 18+ game at most stores (here in the US amyway, I don't know how they operate in other counties). It doesn't matter if its a teen selling it, its the same. They can get fired for that, pal. No one is that stupid. Its illegal to BUY games when your under 18 unless you have a parent at the time. It is illegal to SELL games to someone under 18. You can play them legally them any age.

And kids do play mature games, I've met 7 year-olds on xbox live and r63. (cringe)
Those people are going to turn out phsycos.

I don't know which United States you live in, but in this United States, games are sold to minors all the time. Best Buy doesn't check for your ID at all. All they do is swipe the bar code and ask for your cash. Same goes for major game stores like Gamestop. One kid walked in, bought Doom 3, and walked out. It really depends on who's behind the cash register.

However, if the policy is strict the same major retailers will be Robocop and ruin your shit. Circuit City, Walmart, and Toys-R-Us will deny anyone under the age of 17 a Mature rated game.

So yes, people are that stupid. Some people are willing to sell the games to minors.
I'm a minor. I live in the same U.S. I can't buy 17+ games buy myself, have tried at least 5 times in different stores (I usually get some random guy to do it for me). So basically your saying everyones "out to get me"?
Petabyte said:
I'm a minor. I live in the same U.S. I can't buy 17+ games buy myself, have tried at least 5 times in different stores (I usually get some random guy to do it for me). So basically your saying everyones "out to get me"?

Then I guess it's really up to where you live. The retail stores here aren't strict at all. Although I am the legal age, there wasn't any difficulty picking up any Mature game as a minor. Some people are too lazy to check how old you are.

I have a feeling I might be one of those people. If I get a job at EB, I'm going to be the one selling the most sex filled, goriest game ever to some 5 year old kid.
The M rating is for your parents. ever see a R-rated movie? same thing.
Ahnteis said:
Everyone assumes U.S. law.

everyone in the U.S. assumes their the only people on earth

lol u.s. citizen i am
Not true, hero. People like you give america a bad image. No wonder everyone hates us.
It's illegal to draw dirty pictures if you're under 18. Also, any advanced knowlege of human anatomy is suspect as well!

USA... it's safer here!

On a more serious note. I feel sorry for you kids these days. The kinds of things I participated in when I was your age were great learning experiences and a good way to initiate myself into adolescence and (eventually) adulthood. Nowadays I'd be considered a social deviant or some kind of terrorist. Word to the wise... do whatever risque business you're thinking about before you turn 18. Once you're 18 it's "serious."

I'm glad some publishers and game companies aren't trying to dumb down the message or the visuals in games. Considering the recent restrictions (and more importantly the strict enforcement) it's a wonder we're not all playing Mrs. PacMan.

As far as mods go and the M rating... well... the closest thing we have to a global democracy is the internet. Are you the type to ask your mommy if you can download and play counter-strike? It's not cost effective for any government or major commercial industry to enforce those rules. Hell, even mom usually doesn't care!

Have fun kiddos... just don't blame your school shootings on VALVe or whoever created the mod you are playing.