M$ to Lionhead: Prepare to be assimilated, resistance is futile


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

Peter Molyneux responds:

"cha-ching, Mo Money Mo Money Mo Money"


"Despite being something of an open secret for several weeks now, officials from Microsoft Game Studios (MGS) have announced that the company has purchased British developer Lionhead Studios."

“We could not be more excited about being part of MGS. They have long supported our creative vision, and this teamwork resulted in the hugely successful Fable franchise,” said Molyneux, managing director of Lionhead Studios. “This acquisition gives Lionhead the stability and opportunity to focus on creating world-class next-generation titles.”

like Fable 2, Fable 2.5. the expanded multi episodes, Fable 3, Fable 3: the lost paragraphs, Black and White3: now with more shades of grey

Maybe not an entirely bad move. Peter Molyneux + a little accountability could be a good combination.
no room to spell out the entire word ..everyone knows what M$ stands for
WhiteZero said:
The M$ thing isnt cool anymore..
I seriously doubt Stern does some things to be "hip and trendy or cool"...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, M$ needs to stop using money for power. :|
;( Another good developer down the tubes.

PC gamers can say goodbye to seeing Dimitri or The Room anytime soon.
I dont see why you guys are fretting to damn much, this is retarded.
Plenty of good games are made under the MS name.
Prime Example: Rise of Nations
torso boy said:
;( Another good developer down the tubes.

PC gamers can say goodbye to seeing Dimitri or The Room anytime soon.

Meh, if Lionhead didn't overhype their games so much, they'd just be your average-joe developers. As it stands, I've played nothing but disappointments from them.
Really , what's the fuss?

That studio didn't release anything remarkable in the last who-knows years.
Not a big deal and certainly not a big loss.
Hey wait a damn minute - the Microsoft games department is one of the best in the business
whatever your thoughts on microsoft the OS, the Internet Explorer and Office Tools show their games department the respect they deserve
Best of the biz is going a tad bit too far, I'm sure there are many that idolize their games (AoE series I guess) but personally I'm not a big fan, but I still have respect for what they did.

In my eyes, the best of biz (in no particular order):

Bioware, Valve, Blizzard, Kojima Productions, Rockstar, Team behind Shadow of the Collosus / Ico, etc etc.

To me, the M$ Games department doesn't hold a candle to that :O
Ok seriously, can everyone stop calling them M$. It's a company. Guess what companies do? Oh right, they make money. Don't act like they're the only company to do it :|.
DeusExMachina said:
Ok seriously, can everyone stop calling them M$. It's a company. Guess what companies do? Oh right, they make money. Don't act like they're the only company to do it :|.
But most companies aren;t establishing a broad monopoly. ;)
Gates knows the government will slap him around if he tries to monopolize ;).
AiM said:
Team behind Shadow of the Collosus / Ico, etc etc.

Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated (or SCEI). ;)
I sure don't like big guys like MS buying up the little guys and monopolizing their talent, but maybe it will be good for the dev team as they can't seem to release games that are everything that they promise. Maybe with a little more money they can actually deliver on all of the over-hyped promises.

And to their credit, Ensemble Studios (Microsoft) has made some of the greatest games ever in the Age of ____ Series, so there's a little proof that this acquisition might not necessarily be all that bad. If they can force them to polish their products a bit more then we all win!
Microsoft has their name on countless really high quality games. They are behind many games and you may not even know it.

My feeling is that between Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony put out more creative games. Nintendo has many abstract and creative games that I don't really care for except Zelda, Sony has many games that I love, but many also aren't always to my taste (like Jak), and Microsoft has they type of games that I like(FPS, RTS, RPG's), but they haven't quite won me over like Nintendo and Sony have. Nothing original enough. In my opinion Microsoft hasn't released a game that is unforgettable yet, although many claim Halo as this game but I wasn't that impressed with it. Most of their hits I don't even remember. Maybe also because I grew up on Nintendo, then Sony. Microsoft is new to me in the video game area, I think my first Microsoft game wasn't until a few years ago when I bought an Xbox.
I think Bill Gates should start wearing one black glove when he's in public.

Would that scare people?

Element Alpha said:
I think Bill Gates should start wearing one black glove when he's in public.

Would that scare people?


Buying the auctioned 'Michael Jacksons Dimond Glove' might
Oooookkkkaaaaayyyyy guys...take it easy.

We'll see if this takeover (so to speak) has any effect on game quality for Lionhead. Hopefully it will bring them a couple of notches higher making their games more satisfying and complete when they release....
not only is there nothing wrong with microsoft [if you aren't a lemming :p] but mgs is absolutely fine too.

i for one welcome our new .. someone finish the obligatory joke. D:
What exactly do you think will happen to the studios when Microsoft buys them? Borg-like assimilation? God like budgets? Cat ownage? I think they'll be fine - better if what I read about the company above is true.
Adabiviak said:
What exactly do you think will happen to the studios when Microsoft buys them? Borg-like assimilation? God like budgets? Cat ownage? I think they'll be fine - better if what I read about the company above is true.
I think Microsoft is always trying to out-do everyone. Like many companies, they have a lot of talent, but don't spend enough time being creative. They take all the best ideas and best graphics and put them all in one package and thats not how to make the best games. Yes you can get really good games like that, maybe even the best of this game type, but still, this 'best' title is quickly out-done by the next version or a competing title. So we end up with 6 companies making basically the same game to compete against each other. Something is missing - ORIGINALITY.

Companies are constantly trying to 'build the biggest bomb', but they need to build a smarter 'bomb'.

I love having the best graphics, best sound, best animation, etc., but it's not always fun anymore. It's the same game we've been playing for 10 years with better graphics :p

The Nintendo Revolution is starting to sound better all the time.
15357 said:

<3 Microsoft.
By the way, I forgot to even say, I see this pickup from Microsoft as a good thing.

Lionhead made :angel:Fable:devil: , and that game was excellent. Now Lionhead Studio's Longevity in the game buisiness is locked-in. They are here to stay is what I mean.
VirusType2 said:
By the way, I forgot to even say, I see this pickup from Microsoft as a good thing.

Lionhead made :angel:Fable:devil: , and that game was excellent. Now Lionhead Studio's Longevity in the game buisiness is locked-in. They are here to stay is what I mean.
As long as they don't let them release games with 40% of the features they had intended on originally I will be happy. Fable was good, but nowhere near what I and many others thought it could be (or was supposed to be actually).