'M31: Marines of the Emperor' Mod


Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
The M31 mod team is building its foundation in preperation for the SDK.
Check out the M31 website read about the plans for this mod and its unique gameplay features.
Some Features in M31
- AI squatmates under your control in Multi-player.
- Non-physical army commanders whos main purpose is to create an army lead the troops on the battlefield (no building)
- An equal share of shooting and close combat roles.
- A point system for upgrading, balancing, and rewarding good team players.
- A unique version of the Warhammer 40k storyline where you can decide your Legions allegiance.
- and much more...

Also, if you are interested in joining a mod team, M31 has several spots available!

Our Forums are filling up with discussions about this legendary period of time in Warhammer 40k history. Even some design changes have been infuenced by the members of this forum, so if you like the way this mod is headed, now is the time to get involved.

This forum will be used to post all important updates as they come along so you can stay informed about M31's progress.

Thanks for your interest,
This is like the 4th 40K based mod I see...
You got my mod (Gang War (Necromunda based))
Battleground40K (Altmost same as yours)
Omega Project (40K SP)
and then this.

Maybe rather try to make one big and good 40K mod, insted of like 10 small and suckey ones?

Anyway, good luck! (but I suggest that you talk to the Battleground40K team about a merge, and maybe talk to the Omega guys, but I'm staying with Gang War, but if you guys want, there is always space for more people.)

hmmm, I really don't see the point in haking a 4k mod. There was a game, it came it saw. It left. Simple. Unless u are going to make a stratige game out of it like total annihilation then I really don't see me playing any of them.
Hey, I had a look at the Bolter model, and since this is like 10k years before "normal" 40K, the bolter is wrong pattern, the bolter is todays pattern... I hope you will change that, or the theme (back to "normal" 40K).

I'll reserve judgement. Looks quite good. I think he's right about the bolter though.
i read the firewarrior review on the forum.

i disagree, i thought it was the worst FPS ive ever played.

the guns are well clones of eachother, big and ugly.

it takes like 50 rounds to kill a guy, imp. guards take 20 hits to kill and those chainsaw ones are just a joke.

the AI is about as good as a fat man whos dropped his pants and has been handcuffed to a poll.

and the marines......... what else can i say but WTF. these are the emperors finest and their just wrong.

*annoyed EX-wh40k collecter*

i never hardly played the table top game, i just had fun making the models and painting them.

all i do now that has anything to do with games workshop is collect the "Guants ghosts" series of books following the tanith 1st and only.

ive got.

Ghost Maker
First and only
Honour guard
the guns of tanith
Straight silver
and sabbat martyr.

are there any other ones out? havent checked in like 8 momths.