Mac OSX update issue


Feb 11, 2008
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I tried to boot up L4D2 and I get this message saying I need Snowlepard 10.6... something but I have 10.8.4 (or something) But my auto update hasn't upgraded it yet. How do I solve this?

You should be in the 10.6x range...10.8x isn't out yet. Haha. Did you try running system updates to make sure you're up to date? They recently released a Graphics Update for OSX that is required to play L4D2. Click the Apple in the top left corner of your Mac and click About This Mac to see exactly what you are running. I'm running the game perfectly on my early 2008 iMac.
I'm running 10.5.8. I've ran the system updates and not dice.

Mine is an early 08 as well (2.53 dual core 15 inch version).

I guess it will fix itself eventually.
You Need Snow Leopard need to actually upgrade from Leopard (10.5x) to Snow Leopard (10.6x). It's only $30, but you will need it you if you want to do any Steam gaming on your Macbook.

You can pick it up at any Apple store or you can order it on Amazon:

You could also get it bundled with iWork and iLife 09 if needed new versions of that stuff ($120):

Make sure you do a TimeMachine backup before you install Snow Leopard. I would recommend doing a clean install and restore it from your TimeMachine backup. I just did this last week to make sure it would run nice and smooth for L4D2. :-) Do you have 4GB of Ram? I would recommend upgrading to 4GB if you want to do any gaming on there.

I just did this memory upgrade on my iMac and works perfectly. Sorry this is such a book...this is just sort of one of my hobbies. :-)
They.. make you pay for a tenth of an upgrade?
It's a little different than the Windows updating process, which has a major release then subsequent service packs (ie XP, Vista, 7). Mac OS 10.0 came out about ten years ago and has been adding a tenth each time, but normally they include Windows level of changes for $130 upgrades, which is close to Windows retail upgrades. Snow Leopard was more like a $30 service pack, but I would say that it was almost like somewhere between a Windows SP and a full release so it was worth the extra $30. It's difficult to compare Windows and OSX updates because they are handled differently. Just like everything else about the two systems. :-) It's like people saying that Windows 7 was just really Vista SP3. That's not really a fair statement. Win7 is great, not AMAZING!, but great.