Macs & Half Life


Jan 17, 2006
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I'll probably get flamed for mentioning the M word; but is anyone else using a mac to play Half Life? I'm on a MacBook Pro, and booting into Windows using Boot Camp - all seems to work very well. (I use a mac as my primary machine because of my work - I use Windows for games, as Apple has a <crap> selection of decent games...)
Need to punch steve jobs in the penis. That is all.
Out of curiosity, how's the performance?

Actually, the speed is very good. My display is 1440x900 or thereabouts, and with everything maxed out - inc. 6x AA, full HRD etc, Half Life 2 runs very quickly. I don't know what the exact fps is, but I don't see any lag - I can whizz the mouse about like crazy, and it keeps up. For Episode 1, I have to loose most of the AA - down to 2x, but everything else is the same; that being said, I still drop a few fps, but not so badly i'd further change the settings.
All this is from an installation of XP I put together following most of the tips you'd find on, and with most of XPs bells ands whistles switched off.
wow, i didn't know you could play games on macs to be honest, they are so confusing, how do you use the secondary attack option?
I have a Logitech Mx laser mouse, so I do the same as you guys - I stll hate Mac mice - they are very pretty to look at; but that doen't help when you are trying to blow somebodys head off...:LOL:
To be honest, using Apples Boot Camp allows you to dual-boot the mac into another OS - XP or Vista, and use the Mac as a full blown PC. This means no emutation slowdowns; your hardware is being used completely. You can use something like Parallels to run a virtual machine from Mac OS, and jump between the two OS's at will - but is only good for moderate apps - <not> for modern games and the like...
I'm reminded of the good old days... playing Marathon on OS 9, life was good. Looking back the amount of native Mac games was really pathetic, wasn't it? Few and far between. Things have changed since then....
What is the console command to display the fps and the like? I have used it before, I just can't remember it.
cl_showfps 1 (0 for off)

I always use net graph 3 when playing multiplayer since it shows ping and stuff.
wow, i didn't know you could play games on macs to be honest, they are so confusing, how do you use the secondary attack option?

Well lets see.

1) Macs use Intel Core processors now.
2) Macs have been using both ATI and NVIDIA GPU:s for years already which are the same as PC counterparts, just different BIOS software
3) Macs can now run Windows XP - remember that Apple published Bootcamp only _after_ Mac was hacked to work with XP.

Mac == PC. Sure it has restricted and overpriced hardware but there isn't any real difference anymore on the hardware side.