Mad World trailer

Naw - it's as painful, but in a good way.
Wii GOTY 2009 (unless Sadness comes out or Fragile or Fatal Frame 4 debuts in NA).
That's for the Wii? I thought Wii only gets the happy family fun type games.
That's for the Wii? I thought Wii only gets the happy family fun type games.

Umm nope.

Best looking game on the Wii. No doubt about it. I prefer the graphics in this to most games on any console actually. Stylised and interesting as opposed to "realistic" and brown or basic and colourful.

Also looking forward to NMH 2, another stupidly over-the-top and violent game! :E
And of course, the biggest news - Kororinpa 2!!!!

*listens to the silence of not responding*

Well **** you guys, i'm looking forward to it!
I'm completely biased when it comes to ball rolling games. From the old Marble Madness to Monkey Ball, i've loved them all - and Kororinpa is the best one :) Along with Lost Winds and Galaxy, Kororinpa is my most treasured Wii game, and possibly the best use of the Wiimote to date. It's worth buying just for the music!
I used to play one called Gyroscope (I think that was the name) back on my Commodore 64C. Good times. Same type of thing, but Kororinpa 2 does in fact have better music.
Oh my lord, the vid you linked shows a level creator. You've actually just made my day :cheers:

ScrewMad World! :)

I just checked out Gyroscope - it looks just like Marble Madness, which can't be a bad thing.