Mad world...

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Aug 4, 2003
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as i've been up since about 4am and its now 10 in the morning and obviously i'm losing my mind a bit, i've been reading stuff and terrorising every post and what not in off topic but then KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM AHhhhhhh i'm melllllttiiiinggg... a thought came to mind

bit of a mad place we live in this world isn't it. let me list for you some of the things that makes our world insane

- leaves derailing trains
- people that enjoy death metal
- scat porn
- eminem's success
- 450 quid for a ps3
- underage pregnancy
- paedophiles
- hugh grant having fans
- people bumming sheep
- racism
- terrorism
- religion
- american pie having sequels
- pop music actually being popular
- heartburn...whats the point like
- people walking about on their own in town, smiling
- tin foil in a microwave
- ufos
- arrested development being cancelled
- jeepers creepers 2 getting made
- rim jobs
- murder
- small talk
- duke nukem forever
- flossing
- drinking and driving
- fads
- myspace
- fancy dress
- cancer
- sleeping

i'd list more because theres a lot to list but i'm too tired. just think its interesting that we put up with odd things every day and nowt gets done about it

JUST a little thought provoking terrorism to start your day
pity that your comment is probably jsut a fabrication for the topic at hand so may aswell just ignore your post gofer

what is the point to this thread?, bringing attention to us all the crap in the world currently?

its been going on for centuries, millenia even just in differnt forms, its just the world trying to balance out against my perfection
I'M STRAIGHTENING MOI HAAAAAIIIIR WHILST INSTALLING THE WORLDS LARGEST TAMPON. no listen right i'm not the farmers daughter but heaven forbid i wish i was

we all KNOW you wanted to be the farmers daughter but honestly sweet princess, spending too much precious time on your perfect hair is impressing no farmer round these parts
pity i dont live in york then.

very small minded, you are. dont you think ?
as i've been up since about 4am and its now 10 in the morning and obviously i'm losing my mind a bit, i've been reading stuff and terrorising every post and what not in off topic but then KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM AHhhhhhh i'm melllllttiiiinggg... a thought came to mind

bit of a mad place we live in this world isn't it. let me list for you some of the things that makes our world insane

- leaves derailing trains
- people that enjoy death metal
- scat porn
- eminem's success
- 450 quid for a ps3
- underage pregnancy
- paedophiles
- hugh grant having fans
- people bumming sheep
- racism
- terrorism
- religion
- american pie having sequels
- pop music actually being popular
- heartburn...whats the point like
- people walking about on their own in town, smiling
- tin foil in a microwave
- ufos
- arrested development being cancelled
- jeepers creepers 2 getting made
- rim jobs
- murder
- small talk
- duke nukem forever
- flossing
- drinking and driving
- fads
- myspace
- fancy dress
- cancer
- sleeping

i'd list more because theres a lot to list but i'm too tired. just think its interesting that we put up with odd things every day and nowt gets done about it

JUST a little thought provoking terrorism to start your day

I second this notion. Not all of that list but some of it, we live in a ****ed up crazy world.
Nothing wrong with bumming sheep, heck just ask Dekstar! :p
And I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of strange.
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever dreamed
Nothing wrong with bumming sheep, heck just ask Dekstar! :p
this coming from the guy who tried to set me up on a blind date with a LAMB. Seriously Evo, she was like 3 weeks old!
After I bummed her she called me a baaad maaaan. :(
dude...what the hell is wrong with rimjobs???

if you want to really freak out google for "maggot man"! don't say i didn't warn you!

edit: oh'll have better luck at "totally crap"
Spam thread ftl. Go back to doodling fighter jets in your schoolbooks.
What the God damn monkey f*ck is this shit?

It's a barrel of lol and rolf, that what.
Whatever shakes your tree. Just go away.

listen brummy...just you listen good

just because you are a direct descendant of noddy holder, it gives you no right to speak to me in such a rock and roll manner


Listen you cockwit, I'm not Brummie, and neither is Noddy Holder. Not even your stupidity is funny.

<ninja edit>
this coming from the guy who tried to set me up on a blind date with a LAMB. Seriously Evo, she was like 3 weeks old!
After I bummed her she called me a baaad maaaan. :(


She told me she was 3 months old!

still not locked?

i'd say that its pretty safe to assume that this thread is STILL NOT LOCKED, yes and with that said, i'd like to say that i'm thrilled to the marrow

so...hells angels, eh? fat men on triumphs...bit homosexual wouldn't you agree?
Hey guys I tried to lock the thread but it didn't work



this is philip banks....philip banks....philip philip PHILIP BANKS

Oh Noes!!!! Phillip Has Invaded Teh Thread!!!!

Get Out! Get Out! Get Out!!!
I got in one lil' fight and ma mom got scared!
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