There was a challenge at the HL2 world forums:
I accomplished this, as other people have also.
Finally..after 4 hours i've finished my watermelon cutter. This one will get the watermelon into the bucket 100% of the time, I had to test it alot to get this possible. Here's pics, with a save.
The contraption before launch.
Shoot the first barrel.
Explodes and ignites the second barrel.
When second barrel explodes it does 3 things:
Ignites 3rd barrel.
Breaks melon.
Breaks and sends piece of wood flying, hitting the basket, which the melon is in, causing it to roll out of basket.
3rd barrel explodes, igniting 4th barrel.
4th barrel explodes, activating the canister, which is tied to the big wooden thing. The big wooden thing is also holding the see-saw up.
Cannister happily flies away, with its new friend.
Now that the mean big wooden thing is gone, the see-saw tilts, causing the broken water melon to fall into the box. Free watermelon for all the little monkeys.
Link to Save:
The challenge is to cut (or more accurately, break) a watermelon and deliver it into a box or any other container. Simple enough. The difficulty here is that you must accomplish this action through a Rube Goldberg device!
If you don't know what a Rube Goldberg device is, it's the step-by-step machines that accomplish easy tasks in complex and drawn-out ways. In addition to the example below, the board game Mousetrap IS a Rube Goldberg device (a diving man has to participate in order to snap a mousetrap?) and The Incredible Machine revolves around making such devices.
I accomplished this, as other people have also.
Finally..after 4 hours i've finished my watermelon cutter. This one will get the watermelon into the bucket 100% of the time, I had to test it alot to get this possible. Here's pics, with a save.
The contraption before launch.
Shoot the first barrel.
Explodes and ignites the second barrel.
When second barrel explodes it does 3 things:
Ignites 3rd barrel.
Breaks melon.
Breaks and sends piece of wood flying, hitting the basket, which the melon is in, causing it to roll out of basket.
3rd barrel explodes, igniting 4th barrel.
4th barrel explodes, activating the canister, which is tied to the big wooden thing. The big wooden thing is also holding the see-saw up.
Cannister happily flies away, with its new friend.
Now that the mean big wooden thing is gone, the see-saw tilts, causing the broken water melon to fall into the box. Free watermelon for all the little monkeys.
Link to Save: