Madness Interactive


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Damn this is a good game, and yes I know there's already been a topic about it but I really want this game and the download page has been down for days >_<

For anyone who hasn't played it:

But that version is VERY annoying, you'll see why. For anyone who has the downloaded version, PLEASE msg me or host it or I'll host it or whatever.
can someone help me ? my isp's proxy has blocked this site can someone send it to me how big is it ?
its a flash game, idont think you can send it

the game download is gone while the website host is down temporarily
the zip doesnt work for me... but its okay we all still love you simmo, your like that uncle thats really cool and gives you shit
Originally posted by MrWhite
the zip doesnt work for me... but its okay we all still love you simmo, your like that uncle thats really cool and gives you shit

Open it in winrar
Thanks simmo! I love yooooou :D:D:D

/me hugs simmo

Sorry ^^
Originally posted by MrWhite
I HAVE winrar, and I did

maybe I have an older version?

Dunno...probably, whats the error you get ?
I can open it fine, it's still a little frustrating tho because your cursor can still reach the edge of the screen... they should have a discreet marker where you're pointing or something. Meh I'm just ranting, great game :D
Doesnt matter, I downloaded an update for winrar and it unzips fine now

fun game, but I had to give up on jesus cause I lost all my guns and no matter how many times i punched him he wouldnt die