[Main Menu] Customizing


Mar 31, 2005
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Am trying to customize our mod's main menu interface and have accomplished adding a new background and changing the title fonts, but I haven't succeded changing the fonts for mouse-over selection menu.

Also want to add playable music for the main menu, is that possible? How about an animated logo?
Anybody? :rolleyes:

Here's a pic to give a better idea of what am trying to do.........

Probelm solved.............thanks to novaprospekt at H-l-w-o-r-l-d
Could you post how you did it please? This way this thread could be usefull for others who don't know how to do it.

For the music and animated logo I suggest you to use the "map" approach. Like in HL2. But you might know that already.
Ti133700N said:
Could you post how you did it please? This way this thread could be usefull for others who don't know how to do it.

For the music and animated logo I suggest you to use the "map" approach. Like in HL2. But you might know that already.

http://www.h[/url] l 2 w o r l d.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?p=563640#563640

Map approach is cool but it's also a resource hog......:rolleyes:
where do i change the background.. i have found the ChapterBackgrounds textfile but where do i put my background images? thx for any help.
Could you point me in the right direction for hard coding music into the main menu? Thanks.