MAJOR ISSUES! Please help!


i z 3 r


I was trying to uninstall my old ati drivers.

I uninstalled them multipul times and restarted many times as well. However nothing changed.

I had to delete some ATI apps and omega apps.

And I disabled the default video controller for windows. Thinking It would just go to default when I restarted at 640x480.

I rebooted and I got raped.
Black screen.

Theres nothing I can think of doing to go back. I tired reinstalling my old video card, but the same result happened. Black Screen.

I tired going into safemode, but upon loading the .sys files it freezes so I can't get into safemode.

I don't fell like reinstalling windows and practically formatting. This is the only solution I can think of ATM.

Please Help!! Thanks in advance.

Issue #2
Ok I just installed my new video card last night

Its a ATI Radeon X850 PRO APG 4x/8x 256 DDR

I have a AMD 64 3700 and 1 gig of corsair.

I play HL2 last night I OCed my card to the XT clock speeds which were 520/540
My default clocks are 500/500

Last night playing DOD:S I was getting 60-80 FPS on Highest graphic settings.
I played till about 4am and left my computer on. I wake up this morning and now I can't get my fps past 30. Can somone please help me?

Also I have a MSI K8Neo PE Mobo

My case is cool. And the GPU temps on my card are idel at 42C and while in game it gets to 65C. I tried putting it on default clocks, and yet I get the same FPS nothing above 30...

My 3d Mark Score

Here is a compairson...

3DMark Score: 4967 Untitled
User: [email protected]

Date: 2005-5-14
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 1809 MHz
GPU: ATI RADEON X850 PRO, 506 MHz / 519 MHz
Display Driver:
Driver Status: Non WHQL - Not FM Approved

Resolution: 1024x768 32 bit
OS: Microsoft Windows XP
System Memory: 2048 MB
Video Memory: 256 MB

That is somone elses... And they scored higher

here is a picture of my game, this is NOT normal at all...
i z 3 r said:
Issue #1
My case is cool. And the GPU temps on my card are idel at 42C and while in game it gets to 65C. I tried putting it on default clocks, and yet I get the same FPS nothing above 30...

I don't know about anyone else but my 7800GT doesn't really go above 50-55c under load. Are you sure 65c is safe?
65C is at its Highest I've seen it go. I hear x850 Series runs hot anyway.
I'd format mate, takes no time at all really.
Yeah... The only problem, I have NOTHING backed up. All of my stuff... files and games and everything I can't get to when I go into windows with a black screen. I could format but I'd loose everything and I want to figure out a way to fix this without formating.
Take the harddrive out and copy over important data to another computer then format :)

Would be the easiest way imo

Can you tell us what .sys it stops on?
Well trust me once I get this back i'm going to get driver cleaner. As for the safemod sys. it stoped at mup.sys