Make an image scale to fit every computer


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
How do I go about doing this? I have an image I am using as a background on a website, and well, it fits my computer perfectly, but when I check on another computer with a smaller resolution, it cuts half of it off. What do I do so the picture can be viewed normally for everyone's computer?

It is an amazing picture that is not being viewed to its full potential!

Thanks in advance!
ummmm....I don't know if this is possible.
Use a DHTML or java script to get the users resolution when they enter the site, and then redirect them to a corresponding page for their res, OR have the script change the backround image to a corresponding one for their resolution on the fly...
And again, this is just what I think may be possible....perhaps someone else will elaborate..

And I like bananas.
Eh. It doesn't matter. I guess plain colours will work.
I know if you set a "background: [color or url of pic] fixed;" in css it will stretch it vertically and repeat it horisontally. I don't know a way of doing both sorry. I'd like to know too though!