Make the countdown your desktop


May 6, 2006
Reaction score
If you cbf opening internet explorer/Firefox/opera/netscape or whatever browser you use, why not make the countdown your desktop instead of your homepage.

Ok, Go into the ep1 website (

Go to "file>Save Page As.."

Save it

Go to your dekstop

Right click and get into properties

Go to the dekstop tab and browse for the page you saved

get it, and click apply

Now click OK and you'll have it as your desktop!

It may look like $#!+, but it still counts ;)

Be sure to make it your dekstop as soon as possible after you save the page, because it will be slightly behind, because.. You know..

Yeah, looks bad, but it still counts mkay?
According to that web site, the game will be playable at 17:42GMT (where I am). It currently says 3 days, 7 hours and 8 minutes to go. Does everyone else get this from the page?
I dont like this, I'll be asleep when everyone is playing

Stupid Australia.. Always being ahead in time.. Always 4am when things get released..
Dammit! I'll be home all day Thursday, and I have to wait until after Noon?

Dont like how that looks, like it as my home page much more.
Stupid grade 7 :sniper:

I have to wait till after school (and then some) ((maybe 5:00)) to play it
wildchild730 said:
I dont like this, I'll be asleep when everyone is playing

Stupid Australia.. Always being ahead in time.. Always 4am when things get released..
yeah but every year on New Year's Eve they always show the fireworks in Sydney when its still nowhere near the new year for me. I'm all like "wtf man i want new year, not faaaairrrr...."

But still nice find, I did some quick browsing for a little app earlier today that would do the same thing but it seems that one has not been made.
The countdown widget I posted earlier is pretty accurate..You just open the widget options and set it to 6/1/2006...It doesn't have a countdown to specific time though...
I'm defentally going to try this "Widget" thing. Sounds awesome.
I'll be away until Friday afternoon. Which is bad in that it'll be another 22 hours before I can play it. But good in that most Steam traffic will have died down... possibly.

And I can always go on the internet on my new phone and read some reviews here. XD
Steam traffic died down after the release?

Pfft. It'll probably take a half-life for traffic to die down..
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Steam traffic died down after the release?

Pfft. It'll probably take a half-life for traffic to die down..

I honestly don't know. I reckon there will be a slight down period though. All the people who pre-order will get it Thursday whereas people who are waiting won't get it the day after release because they'd kick themselves for missing the pre-order discount.

It's just a theory though. I may still be as bogged down as most other people. If at all. I didn't have any trouble with HL2's release.
I don't remember if I had problems with the release or not..Don't think I did..However I think CS: Source was a bit of a pain having to decrypt...