Make way for the Islamic car


Sep 11, 2006
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Is it just me that finds this hilarious?

The car could boast special features like a compass pointing to Mecca and a dedicated space to keep a copy of the Koran and a headscarf.


Satnav is history, make way for Meccavision.
Is there also a tool that hits the woman in the passenger seat every five minutes so that the driver won't have to? :O
Is there also a tool that hits the woman in the passenger seat every five minutes so that the driver won't have to? :O

Except for the Saudi Arabian import - which has a tool that instantly kills any woman who dares to sit in the car.
Hmm... special place to keep the koran and scarf.

Glovebox maybe?

Maybe the car will include the same thing, but instead call it a koranbox.

I see this as being a bad... very bad thing.

"You don't have a Muslim car? Why don't you have a Muslim car? You're Muslim aren't you!?"
This reminds me of that one article about when they were trying to solve how Muslim astronauts should go about facing Mecca to pray. Absolutely ridiculous.
Islamic cars have been around for decades (Nissan bluebirds's with a box of tissues on the parcel shelf and a complete moron behind the wheel who 'learned to drive' in islamabad). I nearly got wiped out by one on a roundabout earlier today, son of a bitch doesn't know what wing mirrors are for. I hope they all follow their mecca compasses.
Islamic cars have been around for decades (Nissan bluebirds's with a box of tissues on the parcel shelf and a complete moron behind the wheel who 'learned to drive' in islamabad). I nearly got wiped out by one on a roundabout earlier today, son of a bitch doesn't know what wing mirrors are for. I hope they all follow their mecca compasses.

Wing Mirrors? Is that another crazy difference in language between English and American English? We call them Side View Mirrors, at least I do. Which is, in my opinion, more easily descriptive.
I hope they all die horrible fiery deaths in their shitty muslim cars.
wow im not sure if you guys are joking but your comments are extremely inappropriate .
I hope they all die horrible fiery deaths in their shitty muslim cars.

Gunner, I hope I'm interpreting you correctly, but I lol'd hard.

EDIT: Shit, I'm still laughing
Islamic cars have been around for decades (Nissan bluebirds's with a box of tissues on the parcel shelf and a complete moron behind the wheel who 'learned to drive' in islamabad). I nearly got wiped out by one on a roundabout earlier today, son of a bitch doesn't know what wing mirrors are for. I hope they all follow their mecca compasses.

I lolled


They should make an old Granny car, with a compass pointing to Mecca.... the bingo place.
Don't muslims find that insulting? HEY! We made a car that has this ****in compass that points to mecca just 'cause we know you'll go there someday - and most likely without this car! We also made a place to put your Koran and headscarf! Cause we know you couldn't possibly put those on the seat next to you because you aren't normal. HEHEHRHRHRHER.
We call it the Muslim-gimmick-cock-mockery-mobile!
I find this car less stupid than the ones that 'parallel park themselves'.

If you've got a problem with a car that has features you will not use / can live without, get a go-kart.
*Wait for jintor to enter thread*

*Evil Smile*

Well honestly the Compass that points to Mecca isnt funny.
Don't muslims find that insulting?

Not really...with things such as PDA Qurans and watches which alert you to prayer times, this is just the latest in a long line of muslim "gadgets". We've grown used to them.

HEY! We made a car that has this ****in compass that points to mecca just 'cause we know you'll go there someday

Actually, the purpose of a compass like that is so the driver can find the Qibla, ie which direction to pray...

In any case, the "muslim car" is a nice idea, but I'd rather have a Mercedes...
You can't afford a Proton and want to declare your faith to the whole world? Why not try my Muslim car tent, hide your women and your crap car too!

Holy cow. Muslim Cars, what could possibly be next?


Proton is the most dominant car on the streets here but the company has suffered recently after the government allowed more foreign cars to be imported.

Using Islam as a form of advertising, terrible. Very terrible.


Maybe there will be lesser car theft in Malaysia there

Malaysian Carobber: Holy cow, a nice car. I want to steal it and the stuff inside
(approaches car)
Malaysia Carobber: Oh my god, a Koran. And and, a headscarf
Malaysian Carobber: Dear Allah, no..I cannot..No I can..
(stands there thinking)
(Clubbed by car owner)
Sounds like about as lame a gimmick car as you could wish for. I find it hard to believe this is an actual product, as opposed to an elaborate social experiment in which an 'islamic car' is used to gather information on how long it takes a number of pre-predicted non-PC jokes to be cracked.

So here is the one about the Explosives and the Checkpoint.
BTW, most drivers here already keep a smaller Quran in their glovebox...don't see why it would need its own compartment.

In any case, I don't see this thing succeeding unless they make the rest of the car decent. And considering that Protons aren't exactly a hit here(I see like 1 of their cars every 3 months...), that isn't very likely...
strange that I dont see coments like

"especial compartment to hide the explosives more efficiently and shrapnels under the metal to cause more damage"

"windows adapted whit built in tripods for your AK47 and special compartment for the weapon and ammunition"

"stone compartment for the stoning days"
Holy cow. Muslim Cars, what could possibly be next?


Using Islam as a form of advertising, terrible. Very terrible.


Maybe there will be lesser car theft in Malaysia there

Malaysian Carobber: Holy cow, a nice car. I want to steal it and the stuff inside
(approaches car)
Malaysia Carobber: Oh my god, a Koran. And and, a headscarf
Malaysian Carobber: Dear Allah, no..I cannot..No I can..
(stands there thinking)
(Clubbed by car owner)

Make a joke about the causeway and how long it takes. GO GO GO
THey should equip it with the suicide bomber option. Its basically 5 pounds of c4 that is in the trunk for whenever the need arises. You slip a a switch and drive directly into a public place and BOOM.

Im assuming they wont come with sun roofs, at least when there are women driving...then again, i dont think the women muslims would be allowed to drive the car, on account of them being beaten every few minutes by their male counter-parts.

Wheres your god now?
Can we have an athiest car now? And shouldn't christians get their own cars as well?
Islamic cars have been around for decades (Nissan bluebirds's with a box of tissues on the parcel shelf and a complete moron behind the wheel who 'learned to drive' in islamabad). I nearly got wiped out by one on a roundabout earlier today, son of a bitch doesn't know what wing mirrors are for. I hope they all follow their mecca compasses.

So true. God knows how many of those i've seen.

They also have a lot of nissan micras with the same tissue/moron setup.