Making a gunship/dropship move


Jun 5, 2006
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I've been playing through episode 2 a few times and i'm always as dissapointed as i was the first time during the final sequence with the striders and hunters(those who've played it through know what im refering to)

And i've been making up for it by npc_creating some combine soldiers and now i've wanted to take it a step further and create some combine gunships. But the problem is that they just remain on their current position and dont move, ofcourse shooting around and such but nothing more (and yes i do use give npc_combinegunship) for it to spawn.

And now i've turned my eyes to the forums in order to see if anyone do know any way to make the gunships move around, it would be grealt appreciated if anyone could give me a certain command or something that can make them gunships move. I really want to make a bloody hell on that map instead of what it is today :p

Thanks in advance
Lol, I doubt a command will do anything.

I believe that the map needs AI nodes that the gunships will follow around.
I believe that the map needs AI nodes that the gunships will follow around

aye, was reading a bit up on that. And i presume it cannot be done in-game?
no it can't be done in game. if you want to change it you'll need to decompile and modify the map.
You can only make them move using a map editor.
try to aim the gunship and type command npc_select. Then aim somewhere else and type npc_teleport.
he should teleport on that location and return to his spawn point. if not, try teleporting it on defferent locations.
I've been playing through episode 2 a few times and i'm always as dissapointed as i was the first time during the final sequence with the striders and hunters(those who've played it through know what im refering to)

And i've been making up for it by npc_creating some combine soldiers and now i've wanted to take it a step further and create some combine gunships. But the problem is that they just remain on their current position and dont move, ofcourse shooting around and such but nothing more (and yes i do use give npc_combinegunship) for it to spawn.

And now i've turned my eyes to the forums in order to see if anyone do know any way to make the gunships move around, it would be grealt appreciated if anyone could give me a certain command or something that can make them gunships move. I really want to make a bloody hell on that map instead of what it is today :p

Thanks in advance

Well the reason the gunship moves around in the HL2 game is because it's told where to go with AI nodes on the map. Same thing for striders mostly. I think there was an ENt_fire code to tell it what Ai node path to take but i forgot.