Making a model in 3Dmax-question/help thread


Nov 1, 2004
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Hi, im taking Computer Animation and Engineer Draw CAD classes in school, and everything goes fine, good As ;)

But i also like to do modeling at home, and we havent come to the stage yet where we model more difficult stuff, so i thought il get a step ahead if i do some work at home. trying to make this shotgun right, i know the basics part of 3Dmax so im not a total noob, its just some small irretating stuff im having trubble with.

I have the concept (and i think all gamers will recognize what game its from) and ive loaded it up, and im going to use the "edit poly" method, to creat a simple box and extrude and deforme it so it fits the concept picture, and then make several layers making it more detailed.

So im on the first layer of the basics of the gun, but heres the deal, in XSI i can extrude polygons and build outwards, same with edges and vertexs, but how do i do this in 3Dmax?

Here is a pretty large 5 screen picture (i think) explaining step by step how i want it to be, the Red lines is how i want it. Can someone help me with this?

Basecly what i want is to select a row of verteses, make them stay but at the same time drag copys of them outwards and creat a polygon surfice between them. Scroll down to see the rest of the pics
Basecly what i want is to select a row of verteses, make them stay but at the same time drag copys of them outwards and creat a polygon surfice between them.
Select the vertices, hold down shift, and drag the to the side, put them where you want. Then right click -> Create Polygon, click on one vertex, then the next vertex counter clockwise, etc. until you get back to the first vertex, click on it to close the polygon.

If the surface is flat (and will be flat) then you can connect them all, but if they will be curved/angled/etc., then each flat area would be a seperate polygon.

So im on the first layer of the basics of the gun, but heres the deal, in XSI i can extrude polygons and build outwards, same with edges and vertexs, but how do i do this in 3Dmax?
Select the polygon, right click -> extrude, then click and drag on the polygon to extrude it out.
there's a script, if i'm not mistaken its cspolytools+meshtools that countains a lot of usefull tools, one of them is creating a polygon out of the vertices you selected, so you don't have to do it manually