Making combine force-fields and timed lights. Help?

Aug 14, 2003
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I'm a total mapping noob working on my first HL2DM map. I think I've got a serviceable knowledge of what I'm doing, but I could use some help on two of the more complex tricks I'm hoping to include:

1: The force field trap.
A wall plug that, when unplugged, will disable three combine force-field barriers simultaneously. And turn them back on when re-plugged, of course.

2: The light trap.
This one is somewhat more complex. It's a switch on a circuit breaker that, when pressed, will shut off all the lights in a room. After twenty seconds, weak emergency lights turn on. Then, twenty seconds after that, the lights return to normal and the trap resets.

The idea is to simulate total power loss, followed by the emergency generator kicking in, and then full power being restored.

I really haven't much of a clue as to how to start. I've searched for tutorials, but I haven't found any that would help in this regard, except some info on how to make a working plug (but not how to make a barricade and link the plug to the barricade's on/off status) and very basic info on how to make a light switch.

Any detailed info and/or links to a good tutorial would be appreciated! The force-field trick, at least, is very important to the concept of the map.

For the forcefield I'd go with a func_brush and set it to solid/nonsolid, though the forcefield will be visable. This will give the effect that you're "Allowed through", like the citizens in the start of HL2.

So when the plug is set in (There's a tutorial on hl2 I think, or on interlopers, which is down right now) you just have three outputs which tell the func_brushes to go to non-solid mode. Then, when the plug exits, have 3 other outputs to the func_bruhes that tell them to go solid again. Magic :) (Cool idea btw :P)

For the lighttrap.. That's something I'd like to build myself. I'll go try right now, might be good practice for me.
Dead-Inside said:
For the forcefield I'd go with a func_brush and set it to solid/nonsolid, though the forcefield will be visable. This will give the effect that you're "Allowed through", like the citizens in the start of HL2.

So when the plug is set in (There's a tutorial on hl2 I think, or on interlopers, which is down right now) you just have three outputs which tell the func_brushes to go to non-solid mode. Then, when the plug exits, have 3 other outputs to the func_bruhes that tell them to go solid again. Magic :) (Cool idea btw :P)

For the lighttrap.. That's something I'd like to build myself. I'll go try right now, might be good practice for me.

Snarkpit's got a decent tutorial on how to make a plug, so I don't think I'll be having trouble with that.

To be specific, these are the blue force-fields that trains, bullets and props can pass through, but players can't. I'd really like to have the field disappear visually too, so that people don't start going "WFT BUG/HAX!" :P Y'know, make it clear that the field is fully unpowered.

The idea does work, since it was used in at least three places in the SP. (The control room under the bridge, the vortigaunt torture room in NP, and the grenade room a bit later.)
So, really, all I need to know is how Valve did it in those sequences, and then to apply it to my map.

Some of the stuff you just said sounds kinda wacky to a newb like me, but I'll check it out. Specifically, I dunno what an output is, or how to get it to tell things to brushes. :P

Also, if you can get the light thing to work, report your findings!
I/O, or Input/Output is what all entites (Brush entities and regular entities) use to give and recieve commands. It's like writing code inside of the map.

For the example map I made I used a button to give outputs to all lights (There's two sets of them, turning on and off, etc) to turn off. Then 10 seconds later the emergency lights turns on, at 19.50 seconds they turn off and at 20.00 the regular lights go back on. Having the map completely go dark like it did for me was really gay, but it might have it's uses. You should leave something like a flashlight or something on the ground to give some kind of light in the room when it's out so that it's not actually completely dark.

Anyway, look at the attachment. Simplest map ever but it *really* does it's job right. You can tweak and use it any way you want, it's all yours :). Was even simpler than I first thought, enjoy.

Edit: The lights don't have to be next to eachother, but be sure to group the different lights into groups so you can turn all of them on and off in one flip, instead of using light1, light 2, for maybe 20 lights in the room, which would be tedious and not very effective.

Edit 2: Compile the map, press the button, watch the action. There's one possible bug though, I believe the button is repressable infinite times. You'll have to check that though.
Thanks for the sample, I'll check that out once I get on the PC where the map is saved. With luck, that'll be one puzzle down.

Also, I'm planning for the room to have at least a few doors and windows leading outside, so the environment lightsource should keep things decently bright during the blackout. If not, I'll try to fit some sort of low light in there. I don't want this map turning into the attic of dm_docks. :p
Since the blackout would be used as an opportunity for an ambush though, muzzle flare might just be adequate.

It would encourage flashlight use though!
Indeed, but flashlights aren't on by default.

Edit; Also if you have light pointed so that it will shine through the windows it'll be more than enough.

You should also add some backupgeneratorsound and some power-reset sound. Custom if you must (It's really simple to add custom sounds btw, unless you want to use them for soundscapes).