Making HL movie?!


Jun 24, 2003
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I heard that Sierra are talking about making a hl movie with hollywood. "Resident Evil" was such a crappy movie... its nothing compare to the game, maybe the second one in '04 may be better, maybe.

im kinda worried about how they are going to tell the story, its better to make HL1 i think.... they could mix freeman, shepherd and the blue-shift-guy together...
they would need huge movie star, still, not many people would pay to see the movie if Freeman's wearing the HEV suit , killing aliens, marines, and taking 50 rounds of Mp5 but still running....

do you think they can make it to the big screen? share your thoughts with me
I dunno. I personally wouldnt go see it. It just doesnt make sense to me that HL could be a movie.
I don't think there are too many chances for it to come out. Many HL fans are not gona be happy and I doubt it will interest non-HL fans.
Yeah, besides, HL sorta is an interactive move when you start thinking about it....
Well they could do it if they made the HEV less bulky. If they made it thin like an xmen costume it's wouldn't be bad. Gordon freeman is no neo so they shouldn't try to make him into some dual gun totting bad ass. He'd have to be more like the terminator or james bond. You know old school bad asses.
Even though HL had a great story, you still spent 95% of your time shooting zombies with a shotgun. If they make that into a movie it's either gona be extremely cheesy or not true to the original story.
DOOM in my opinion has much more hollywood fame already and I expect to see it as a movie soon
Actually if you think about it, when the game is compressed down to all the key moments. The resinance cascade, the immediate monster infestation, all the gman cameos, the marines incoming, the fighting, the marines leaving, a garg sequence or 2, fighting black ops, launching the rocket, helping scientists and barnies, going to zen and stopping the nihanilith, and meeting the gman face to face.

It can actually be made into a decent movie. If anything they should have barney tag along with gordon for most of the way and have the original writer for halflife, Mark Laidlaw do the script, not some hollywood fool.
I think it would make a pretty dodgy movie, because so many parts of it have been done before, infact if you did it scene by scene from the game, it would be no different to most action films and wouldn't offer anything new, anyway I think that it is so much like a film anyway that it would suck as a movie, due to the lack of originality.
I think you could do the move all from the prespective of freeman, then it would sort of be cool. I would probally go see 3 months after it came out at the theater down the hill from where i live. 5 dollars and you get a bag of popcorn and a soda.
Why not let them? It could be bad, could be good. At the end of the day its costing you nothing apart from £5 to go see it. woopy doo.

I think it could be a good movie if done properly and they dont follow in other films footsteps.
If the Halflife Movie has NO scripted events, has proper AI (so no Stallone or Arnorld) and proper Physics i will go and see it ;)
i would go and see it if i know Valve recieves something of the mnoey the movie will make
Originally posted by coolUK007
... has proper AI (so no Stallone or Arnorld) ...

Haha :D

By the way, everything that happened in the game shouldn't be in the movie anyway. Think of Resident Evil (I dare you :p), though it did have a different story than the game, the movie wasn't about finding keys and fitting stuff to your inventory. Regardless, I hated that movie.

Could be good, could be REALLY bad. :)
Originally posted by
Why not let them? It could be bad, could be good. At the end of the day its costing you nothing apart from £5 to go see it. woopy doo.

I think it could be a good movie if done properly and they dont follow in other films footsteps.
I really doubt that it'd make a good movie. HL always had a mildly hammy B-movie side to its lot, which was a Good Thing, no doubt - but not in a film... so even if it tried really hard it essentially WOULD follow in other films' footsteps. Games can do that, really.
And it wouldn't just be £5 - it'd be your whole personal take on HL. Same with books turning into films. Someone else's representation will NOT be yours, thus shattering your illusions as they would interfere with your own. Even if you didn't go and see it you'd have it crammed down your throat from trailers. A bad bad bad bad idea.
HL Heros starting : Arnold Shwasneger
Pamela Anderson
HL Aliens starting : Sylvister Staloin
Anna Nicol Smith

I lov to see this movie:cheese:
Originally posted by Gorgon
HL Heros starting : Arnold Shwasneger
Pamela Anderson
HL Aliens starting : Sylvister Staloin
Anna Nicol Smith

I lov to see this movie:cheese:

Anna Nicol Smith as Big moma? :E
Resident Evil was not a well made movie it was way too hollywood... More action than story. I didn't mind watching Milla Jovovich at all though.

HL could be made into an interesting movie, but the chances of that happening before it going hollywood are very slim.

Funny thing is I would probably go see it anyways for kicks.

Resident Evil was really bad, the Super Maio movie was better than it.
if it were made into a movie then i dont wanna see any cut scenes! imagine a movie through a first person view of gordon
it'd be interesting if they made it all CG, like final fantasy: spirits within, or Last Flight of the Orsis (animatrix - FF style CG but more higher detail). This way people wouldn't need to worry about what actor plays who, because they could just use the voice actors from the game. But for Gordon, they should get someone who looks like him, like Kiefer Sutherland, lol.
I bet a Half-Life movie wouldn't be made right and everyone would then think of a crappy movie when they thought of Half-Life. Well, not everyone...
For the record i think gordon's actor in a hl movie should never say anything at all so as to tie in to the fact that in the game he is a mute.

It could also be like

Scientist-Say, gordon what do you think of this?
Gordon-*Just about to respond but is cut off by Barney*
Barney-I think its a bit risky Mr. Benman
(Scientist and barney keep on talking while gordon looks on quietly)
So they should cast Kevin Smith as Gordan Freeman. Bring back Silent Bob. Not sure if Jay would be able to pass as a scientist.
Yeah... you know whats funny though... Resident Evil's Sequel is being made. Just like Tomb Raider Got a Sequel.... Metroid Is probably getting a Movie... Alone in the Dark is getting a Movie... Its the in thing to do these days, make movies out of popular videogames.

And the new Resident Evil will have old movie characters plus some actual game characters... so maybe it won't be a complete dissapointment... Its obvious it seems that if you were to place the movie in a time frame compared to the games it's a prequel. And shows what sort of cause the outbreak... But then Again where does RE Zero fit into this then...

Yeah... Lets discuss some HL2! :p
Well, Resident Evil was a "good" movie in terms of atmosphere. Not a complicxated rich story, but a cool overall style..
What? Edward Norton is definately Gordon Freeman, well, if they were to make HL movie, they look so alike, but he looks so WEAK tho...... lol
cg wouldnt be a bad idea, as long as they dont make freeman a powerhouse that goes around doing flips and stuff, it might be a good movie, if they made freeman into a scientist and they made him hide more than fight in the movie, or he could use the environment like the game to get rid of baddies, but that would be too mcgiver, so the only was to do freeman good is to cut the fighting to a minimum (like 30 mins in total) keep it more of a thinking movie, and have it go from perspective to perspective (barney, gordon, shepard) and then have it end with gman (for 2 of em atleast). So if they stay true to the HL story and dont make stuff up it should be a good movie. Oh, and Sheen for Freeman (Charlie that is) :cheers:
Hope the movie dosn't turn out to be like "Saving Private Ryan".(It's a good movie)
I mean, "Saving Dr. Gordon". C'mon...