Male Face Refrences


Aug 1, 2003
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Yo, I am sick of this now. I have been looking for ages and can't find any good male face refrences. I need a front and side view of a male human head at as high resolution as possible. Yes I have looked at all the etc... has anyone got any? this is anoying me so much. I really want to start finishing my Light Infantry model but can't because I can't find any :( I would sign up for and pay but I havn't got a credit card :(
onnovanbraam doesnt have that many high resolution images,,

but otherwise it's god :D
well, we could all cooperate on faces here right? all of us that are over 18 could take pics ofour heads against a monocolored bacground and post the pics here? if 20 guys do it thats enough right?

i would love to have my face in a game, it would be cool. my family has a god camera aswell.
i got some for you ichi it's a side and front of a friend of mine. i took them with a Sony 4 MP digital camera so they are high res. PM me with an E-mail address to send them to