Man arrested for.... somehow costing goverment $2billion through internet postings.


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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SEOUL, Jan. 12 (UPI) -- An online blogger identified only as "Minerva" disturbed currency values in South Korea to a point that a $2 billion stimulus was needed, prosecutors allege.

Prosecutors said Monday in Seoul Central District Court that the individual operating under the Internet alias "Minerva" allegedly caused significant public concern regarding the currency exchange market through more than 100 online postings, the Yonhap news agency said.

Prosecutors alleged in response to that concern and resulting economic downturn, the government injected $2 billion in government funds into the destabilized currency market.

The online posts were all critical of the South Korean government's economic dealings, including a falsified Dec. 29 posting that accused the government of manipulating the currency market, prosecutors alleged.

Prosecutors are attempting to convict a 30-year-old unemployed man, identified only by his surname Park, who has been arrested in relation to the online postings.

Justice Minister Kim Kyung-han said during a recent National Assembly meeting that Park's alleged postings were criminal in nature as they undermined South Korea and its economy, Yonhap reported.

Prosecutors and the court evaluate the Minerva incident as an example of a kind of idol worship in cyberspace, where the consensus-building structure is weak, that ended up negatively impacting Korea's entire economy. But debate continues within the legal and political communities whether Park's arrest was justified in a democracy.

Title about sums it up.

I laughed when I heard the news. The guy was an internet troll, flaming everyone until people started worshipping him. Never liked the bastard.

Too bad people didn't just ignore him, but when you spew financial jargon and warn that evrybody will die, I suppose it earns you some kind of merit marks or something.
The guy was an internet troll, flaming everyone until people started worshipping him. Never liked the bastard.

Too bad people didn't just ignore him, but when you spew financial jargon and warn that evrybody will die, I suppose it earns you some kind of merit marks or something.
He made me and Pitz buy Hellgate: London, and then he bought some Warhammer miniatures and painted them.
Did you know the UK is going into recession....? OMG i can hear the sirens??!!
hello numbers...haven't seen you in a while. how are things going at the brainwashing academy :P ;)

Title about sums it up.

I laughed when I heard the news. The guy was an internet troll, flaming everyone until people started worshipping him. Never liked the bastard.

Too bad people didn't just ignore him, but when you spew financial jargon and warn that evrybody will die, I suppose it earns you some kind of merit marks or something.
One Internet troll disrupted an entire market, seems like the job of scapegoats who can't accept the economic downturn will effect your impressive tiger industries!

Also I can sum up your post numbers: Good job SK Gov, you have my undivided respect (please don't take me away!)
lol at hysteria and totalitarian regimes that punish it

welcome back Numbers, I can always count on a you to provide a good lol worthy story

Title about sums it up.

I laughed when I heard the news. The guy was an internet troll, flaming everyone until people started worshipping him. Never liked the bastard.

Too bad people didn't just ignore him, but when you spew financial jargon and warn that evrybody will die, I suppose it earns you some kind of merit marks or something.

Korea is obviously struggling with the concepts of Freedom of Speech and Accepting Blame For Your Own Messes.
I swear I've heard the name Minerva being used by a famous internet person before.
That was seriously the worst game purchase I've made in two years. And they wouldn't take it back :(
So... Korea spends 2 billion dollars attempting to bolster their economy, then sues someone for trolling them, effectively admitting that their economy is easily fallable by some guy raving on the internet?

Money well spent.
In other news: President currently issuing commands from underground bunker; /me has flashbacks of movie V for Vendetta, very pleased.