Man crashes car into building


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
A man was charged Wednesday after crashing a car into the Cinemark movie theater on the Country Club Plaza.

Sterling Devine, 25, was charged on several counts after the Monday night wreck.

Police said they were responding to a home invasion call on West 53rd Street Monday night when they spotted the suspect's car and tried to pull him over.

They said Devine ran two stop signs and a red light on the Country Club Plaza before crashing his car into the Cinemark theater building.

hmm I wonder why he crashed?


:O :laugh:
"Officer, I swear I was going down the road. That stupid building just moved into my way. Give IT the ticket!"
It's pretty ****ed up that the news post the suspect's name and photo. If they did that here it'd be an outrage, except of he was a child molestor or something.
wonder if he saw fast and furious...

he must have, it sucked and he wanted to repay the theater for ripping him off
You shut your whore mouth Tyguy.

Fast and Furious was awesome. Just becouse you are slow and... happy.
That building came out of ****ing no where!
You shut your whore mouth Tyguy.

Fast and Furious was awesome. Just becouse you are slow and... happy.

25% on rotten tomatoes, i'll let the majority of people who saw it speak for me
25% on rotten tomatoes, i'll let the majority of people who saw it speak for me

because rotten tomatoes is definitely the majority of people. Sorry, but I agree with Rizzo on this.
Something like this happened where I used to live and my grandfather was in the building too.
i wonder if he looked like this before the crash and why was he tazered?? lol
because rotten tomatoes is definitely the majority of people. Sorry, but I agree with Rizzo on this.

watch the movie again except this time lose your man crush on vin diesel.

The mere fact that the movie got such shit ratings yet made over 71 million in 1 weekend is due to people like you with your pre-determined satisfaction with sub-par film making and things that explode. The original was miles above this and yet only received a 53 percent.
His eyes are so ****ed up that he saw 2 identical buildings on either side of the road when in actual fact, it was just the theatre straight ahead of him.
watch the movie again except this time lose your man crush on vin diesel.

The mere fact that the movie got such shit ratings yet made over 71 million in 1 weekend is due to people like you with your pre-determined satisfaction with sub-par film making and things that explode. The original was miles above this and yet only received a 53 percent.
