Man drills own skull...

Wow...I'm never going into the construction buisness.
hmmm except for the part where the guy got a mega-drill-o-death thru his skull...he's pretty lucky to be alive.
that article reads like it was written by a ten year old...
Bah someone once got 6 inches of a blade in his brain. And he survived.
have u never heard of this before?

doctors all over the world drill holes in peoples skulls all the time, altho its only done with a drill anymore, its done with a drill with a special name (which is still a drill) its to let water off the brain or something
Dude...there's a difference between making a hole in the skull and getting a giant drill bit in your brain.
I once met a shrink (true story) who worked at a hospital where a patient would often drill into his own head with drills and once he got to a non fatal part of his brain and drilled into it before getting caught
Originally posted by Stone
have u never heard of this before?

doctors all over the world drill holes in peoples skulls all the time, altho its only done with a drill anymore, its done with a drill with a special name (which is still a drill) its to let water off the brain or something

The guy accedentially got the drill BIT jabbed in his skull and the docters had to drill it out when he got to the hospital, the doctors didn't do it.
I saw the drill bit on the news 0_o.
It is absolutely gigantic and its really disturbing.
lol stone did you see the xray.....its not just a hole in his skull, the drill bit goes in the bottom and comes out the top of his head

He didn't loos to much brains. I mean, he is a construction worker...
He lost his sight in one eye, hmm, no depth perseption now, must be bad to be a contstruction worker now.
Originally posted by Loshadka
He didn't loos to much brains. I mean, he is a construction worker...

Meaning? Just because he works construction doesnt mean hes a dumbass. Same with just because your the American president doesnt mean youve got an IQ higher than my computer chair.
Originally posted by Bass
Meaning? Just because he works construction doesnt mean hes a dumbass. Same with just because Bush is the American president doesnt mean hes got an IQ higher than my computer chair.

is what I meant
Uhh, isn't that kind of an impossible concept anyway?

if you were a retard you wouldn't really make a good construction worker.
Originally posted by Loshadka
He didn't loos to much brains. I mean, he is a construction worker...

Coming from the person who spells 'lose' 'loos'
I saw the xray picture on the news, it was baad.
Billions of people in the world and the one story we're talking about is a guy who drilled himself.

the term for having a hole put in your skull is trepination. verb = trepan (I was trepanned today.). It's been done for thousands of years & is still practiced today (especially in weirdo cities such as San Francisco).

Now what our friend here went through and survived, that is something entirely different....that xray pic is gonna make some cool avatars tho!
anyone see the survival story on the discovery channel i think it was where the guy was trying to break evil keinevals <(spelling) jump record and when he was going to go of the jump he was supposed to land on top of the second tractor trailer (the back part that they pull) Well when he went off he came no where near the landing and leaned back on the bike like he was doing a lazy-boy and his crotch went right between the thing that hold the spare tire, and it broke his pelvis in half, and his righjt leg was barley hanging there, he also had massive brain trama, or damage, what ever it is. but he is alive still, he cant really do to much, but he is starting to learn to do stuff on his own now.