Man eaten by pet spiders and snakes


Dec 25, 2004
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The Sun said:
A MAN who lived in his own 'zoo' of lizards and insects was fatally bitten by a pet black widow spider, then eaten by the other creepy-crawlies.

Police broke in to Mark Voegel's apartment to find spider Bettina along with 200 others, several snakes, a gecko lizard called Helmut and several thousand termites had gorged on his body.

Neighbours alerted police after becoming alarmed by the stink.

And horrified officers were met by a nightmare scene.

A police spokesman said: 'It was like a horror movie. His corpse was over the sofa.'

'Giant webs draped him, spiders were all over him. They were coming out of his nose and his mouth.'

'There was everything there one could imagine in the world of reptiles.'

'Larger pieces of flesh torn off by the lizards were scooped up and taken back to the webs of tarantulas and other bird-eating spiders.',,2-2004092008,00.html

How gruesomely awesome.
man we need pics for that I don't care how bad it looks
Need a pic.

Srsly. NEED A PIC.
Ugh, you morbid bastards.

Search around ogrish or something you might find something you like.
Pics or it didn't happen.

"One tarantula had built a nest the size of a swallow’s in a corner of the ceiling."

Not a very trustworthy source, so I don't don't know if to believe this.
An autopsy to be performed? The body on the stretcher looked kinda sunken in too. :x
I wonder what his insides look like now.
Wow. At least he probably didn't have to live through being engorged on by his pets.
Natural selection ftw?


Why Did'nt the snakes eat the spiders, and the asians eat the snake?
Those pics aren't the kind i was hoping to see.
The officers could've atleast lifted that cover, to show us the freaky kill below.