Man Forced to Wed goat!

"We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Mr Alifi said.
This makes it even funnier :laugh:
Internet-to-English Phrasebook!
"lol" = "Laugh out loud!"
"rofl" = "Roll on the floor laughing!"
MiccyNarc said:
Welcome to several months ago.
= I'm a condescending arse who spends so much time on the internet, I feel it justified to deride others for not using it as much as me!"
What, you don't remember this being posted a while ago? :P
Well in that case, that's why things should be reposted.
Aye, I got a slating for reposting it. Wasn't best pleased but them's the breaks.
Yes, you either have a near-Rainman-esque type knowledge about whimsical stories/animations/jokes from the internets, or you get flamed.
Oh, woe.