Man, I suck... (my first HL2DM Attempt)


Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
I played my first server. It was on this "building blocks" map. Had this 1 guy, cheating.
I couldn't kill him, but he SURE could kill me!!! :p I got owned beyond belief. He was using these explosives and shockwave attacks, flying around the map, doing it.
I tried all of my available weapons, but NOTHING was killing him.
If that's not cheating, I don't know what is.

Then I tried a non-cheating server, Team Deathmatch (it was the Source version of the lambda bunker), and got owned there. ONLY 1 kill with the .357. Pitiful...

Where's the "n00b Training" servers?
Mee too, it's too fast for us noobs. I just stick to Battlefield Vietnam.
Just because you used every weapon avaliable to you and you couldn't kill him doesn't mean he is cheating. For all we know you could be shooting him in the feet, which does nothing. Your aim is probably horrible in the game, the guy I bet WASN'T cheating, it just you aren't good at the game, and he is.
I was aiming at the guy's head, and he wasn't falling down.
The only kill I managed to get in there was a Crowbar Wack at the beginning of the server.
Because he was just standing there, like he was typing in his GOD cheat...

Plus, I had the name of "The_Newbie". I was hoping they would go easy on me, but in Deathmatch, it just means "fresh meat". :p :sleep:

He WAS cheating. Non-Cheaters don't "fly" around the map, aren't able to nade you from 1 corner to another, can't come up to you in lightening speed, and don't do those explosion/shockwave attacks.

The guy also said not to respawn. Uhh? How am I supposed to be able to come back to life if I don't respawn?
What sort of shockwave attack, exactly? No such attack exists, to my knowledge. And also, I have never in my experience hl2dm'ing seen any cheating except that one sucky week when the model-switching exploit was discovered.
Wait, isn't 'buildingblocks' some sort of gary'smod thing? That could explain why everything was messed. Just try any other map, and I am sure you won't have any further problems.

As for not being good, just stick with less specific spray-und-prays like the AR2 and the RPG until you can get decent accuracy going, and then start practicing sniping with the magunum and crossbow until you get good with them as well.
Hell, I've been playing since the game existed, and I can't hit shit with the magnum without eating a can of spinach first or something crazy like that.
Although I am a crossbow god. :p

Also, it's good to play the official maps. If you can get good with them, you can get good with any map, because the valve maps feature the main DM archetypes.

-General (Steamlab)
-Close-range (Lockdown)
-Long-range (Overwatch)
-Objective (Runoff)
-Oldschool (Powerhouse)
-Newschool (Underpass)
-Shitty (Resistance).

Team deathmatch is a great way to learn. Pick a person and stick close to him/her and help while keeping out of the way. Every TDM player hates the newb teammate unless they actually help by following well and weakening foes/absorbing harmful bullets.

Speaking of newb, the name has to go. You want a name that is neither too lame nor too braggarty. The best names confuse rather than provoke.
Bad names include:
-Stoner Stoney McStoner420
-Fiddy Cent Street URBAN CAPPA YO
-NUM83R5 F0R L3773R5!!!!

Other factoids:
-There is nothing wrong with camping, other than the fact that it fails 90% of the time unless you're really good or the map is unbalanced.
-Never play killbox.
-Always play TDM.
-Stay in School.
-For the love of GOD, do not use voice chat to speak! Text only, plzkthks.
-Duck under the mines your teammates place. I can't stess this more.

See? You're playing better already. :)
Shockwave attack is probably the ghey balls.

But yeah your best bet to get better is to do what Mech said. Keep playing. Keep dieing. Keep learning how not to die.

I wouldn't reccommend camping. At least not the whole time. Get yourself a route, where you can continually top up your ammo/armour etc. Learn the maps, properly. Know the spawn times of weapons etc, learn where the spawn points are.

Play it for a few hours each day you'll soon improve. Also playing people a lot better than you is a good thing. Yes you will get owned, but when you play against lesser skilled players you will be a lot better.

Hope that made sense :/
Problem with camping is a) Everyone thinks you're a lame ass hoe and b) someone will sneak up behind you or just crossbow you to a wall or something.

Play for a while. A long while. And don't use underscores in your name, you know? Makes you look stupid.

Official maps are really balanced. Read up on DM, too, because these new maps pwn and the SLAMS might confuse you a little.
Jintor said:
Problem with camping is a) Everyone thinks you're a lame ass hoe and b) someone will sneak up behind you or just crossbow you to a wall or something.

Play for a while. A long while. And don't use underscores in your name, you know? Makes you look stupid.

Official maps are really balanced. Read up on DM, too, because these new maps pwn and the SLAMS might confuse you a little.
How people look at you doesn't matter in any way ;)
Jintor said:
Problem with camping is a) Everyone thinks you're a lame ass hoe and b) someone will sneak up behind you or just crossbow you to a wall or something.

It's the contradictory nature of point a and b that get me though. Camping is very difficult (except on overwatch, and even then it's very tough staying king of the hill on your own), again provided you are fighting people who don't suck.

With enough effort, you can de-camp up to three times your number in overwatch with only a magnum (and again, I suck w/ magnum).

So, the moral of the story is to ignore the whining.
But, at the same time, try not to deserve it.
Switch up your camping strategy, hide in new and creative places. Try to avoid using stupid exploit stuff like gravgunning off the map or breaking the doors in runoff. Don't just use the rockets when the AR will do. Come down once an a while, and think of the most clever tricks you can to kill your opponents, rather than just 'shoot u w/ rocket first'.

Do that sort of stuff, and not only will you avoid complaints, you will likely avoid death as well. Staying in one spot with one weapon is a one-way ticket to deadsville. So it's a win-win!
Campers only camp cause they're allowed. Stop them, and they won't do it ;) Simple.
If your being hit by nades from the other side of the map then that is down to ppl dropping one (right click, drops a primed nade), then picking it up with the Grav Gun and firing to the other side of the map.


Someone threw a nade at them and they Grav'd it away.

Other advice would be find WySiWyG on a server and watch him, he gave me a serious kicking the other night. (great fun tho' :) )
i did get pretty good at it at one time.. 25-4 my best score.. but that nothing compared to some pros..
Mechagodzilla said:
Bad names include:
-Stoner Stoney McStoner420
-Fiddy Cent Street URBAN CAPPA YO
-NUM83R5 F0R L3773R5!!!!


BeaverMon said:
Because he was just standing there, like he was typing in his GOD cheat...

You are like a few people I played in op4 a year or so ago, thinking just because your aim sucks he must be using god..... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
What I mean about the Explosions, is he was literly "exploding", but he wasn't dying from it.
And when he did the Shockwave Attacks, he jumps in the air. Like it was the explosion blast from the Secondary Fire of the Overwatch Pulse Rifle.
If it was any help, the guy was using a Combine Elite Skin.

I do got a problem with it in general. It changed all of my Half-Life 1-Related Icons on my desktop. They where all pointing to Steam.
I thought they fixed this. I like playing CS 1.5 and TFC 1.5 offline with bots here.
(yes, I still have CS 1.5. I can't get 1.6 because I'm a n00b at setting metamod to play PODbot and (mEAn) Bot.Admin Mod)

And the guy that was nading me, he was using the regular Machine Gun, and acted like he had infitate amounts of ammo. It was insane.

But I'll take yourall's advice. Your not supposed to camp anyway in a Deathmatch game. That's CS. "Good ole Camper-Strike", as the PODbot calls it.

Also, what would be a good name that won't draw attention to myself?
I've thought of "Just-A-Player". Or maybe a confusing name like "NotaN00b".

1 other thing. Why is my computer freezing up when I try to find a server in HL2DM(in the game I mean), but it doesn't in Steam? Anyone else having this problem?
Beavermon, what was the guys name? Was it something like {Phi}Spacedmonk?
The Buildingblocks servers are servers to build not to DM. When brainless DM'ers enter, they put on god. When it really IS a brainless DM'er, they have some fun with him and then kick/ban/disconnect yourself.

Sorry, but that's how it goes !;)
Believe me, I know, I'm admin in one of those servers :p
Good luck with your future gaming on HL2DM!
If you want to learn more about building, visit
I managed to get OVER 9 kills! I was playing this 1 official map server that was playing dm_overwatch and dm_lockdown.
It was alot of fun, and annoying of being killed by the same guy over and over again, in a 5-player server. But hey; "Practice makes Perfect".

Sorry, I don't know the name of the guy or the server. It says "<Not Responding>" right now.
BeaverMon said:
Also, what would be a good name that won't draw attention to myself?
I've thought of "Just-A-Player". Or maybe a confusing name like "NotaN00b".
Nah, "not-a-newb" pretty much translates to "I am a newb with faulty camoflauge" methinks.

Why not 'Beavermon'? It seems to be the obvious choice. :p
Mechagodzilla said:
Nah, "not-a-newb" pretty much translates to "I am a newb with faulty camoflauge" methinks.

Why not 'Beavermon'? It seems to be the obvious choice. :p
lol, dude. I chose the name "JustaPlayer". Since then, I've been getting good stats (10+ kills).
As long as the enemy doesn't get the upper-hand, which is almost all the time, I'm happy. :)
I do get a few cheap kills here and there. Like 1 time I was playing Team Deathmatch (was on the Rebels team) and a Combine killed 1 of my teammates, and I let him have it.
"Take out the Survivor", A classic, yet effective kill. :)

And the times where I see players camping around doorways. How can I not resist? :naughty:
If I were you I'd just play as Beavermon. Don't play with a simple name like "Justaplayer" or n00b or notan00b. Try to think of something that's funny so that the other players will be thrown off because they are laughing at your name. Alot of people use this tactic.

As for real tactics:

-Keep moving! You can be exceedingly simple to hit if you aren't moving, it's amazing. Remember to keep strafing and running and to shoot quickly. This also means NEVER camp.

-Know where weapons, ammo, & supplies are! In DM games controlling most of the heavy hitting weapons and objects is key to winning because everybody has a chance to get them, and you'll be the one racking up kills with the weapon everybody is invincible.

-Know where people like to go! The point of DM is racking up enough kills to win after all. If you camp and stay by yourself you'll just fall behind and drop to the lower positions, perhaps even behind the top 12. Following others is good too.

-Never use melee weapons unless you must! It is always better to have a gun out because you're opponent will more than likely have a gun out and you need all the punch you can get.

Any other tips you'd like?

Trust me, I am exceedingly well at UT2004\Quake3\HL2DM\Doom3. I know what I'm talking about ;-)
I was playing dm_runoff and there where alot of Combine players using their Stunsticks to kill.
I'll think of renaming myself to "BeaverMon" and see what that does. But yeah, there was a funny name in this server called "Now put the trash in the can", or something like that. He kept on getting owned. :dozey:

You forgot 1 important tip;
-Aim for the Head. I keep thinking to aim for the chest, or ANYTHING on my enemy.

It probley took you YEARS of training to get where you are.

Vorac1ous said:
If you camp and stay by yourself you'll just fall behind and drop to the lower positions, perhaps even behind the top 12.
Funny, all the sudden; HL2DM doesn't seem that much fun anymore. Now I know I have to learn ALL of that, AS I'm trying to dodge enemy fire.
It feels too much of a hassle, where I just want to play.

I've been SOOOO used to cheating, I forgot how to normally play anymore. :| Thanks for the reality check, man. :( Another thing that's wrong with me is that I'm simple-minded. I can't think and react quicker then my Cable Modem's speed.

But this won't discourage me from HL2DM. Ohhh no. My combat tatics are probally poor, and I'll probley get 'owned' alot and will drop to the very bottom of the list, but I'm good when it comes to sneaking up on Campers, and finishing off weak enemies. :smoking: My detirmination, of remembering that it's OK to lose, as long as your having fun(of course that's what losers say to make themselves feel better, like me), will keep me playing HL2DM.
(and remembering to join a half-full server so they'll be too busy killing eachother to taunt the hell out of me)

Plus, this was the FIRST time, since that incident in a TFC 1.5 Server, about me using AOL. Many, many years ago. "Dude! AOL sucks! Get a different ISP! *kick*" still goes threw my mind to this very day.

There's also a thing called "knowing my limitations". And that's;
1. Aiming and Reloading at critical times instead of just fire off 1 clip and hope to god the bad guy falls down.
2. Having to know where the good weapons are in each map (RPG/Crossbow/Pulse Rifle).
3. Knowing the map's layout and how to quickly get to those good weapons.
4. Don't overuse the Sprint to get out of tough situations.
5. When to duck, when to run, and when to fight. (simple-mindness)
Meh. Well as long as you're having fun that is all that really counts =)


-No, don't exactly aim for the head. Ofcourse you should try, but they don't register as often in HL2DM. Also in DM games you don't have time to think this clearly, just point and shoot. I've learned to aim without using my crosshair at all this way.

-Also I've only been playing computer games extensively for 8 months, but I raced r\c cars and dirtbikes for 5+ years so my hand-eye coordination skills have just developed greatly. Either that, or I'm just a quick learner.

-You don't have to exactly avoid bullets, just keep moving out of the enemy crosshair and you'll be racking up kills in no time. I usually don't avoid many bullets, I just shoot faster.

-"Another thing that's wrong with me is that I'm simple-minded. I can't think and react quicker then my Cable Modem's speed." Don't think that. Hell - I'm dyslexic. I thought I was never going to get good either. I just played ALOT and learned quickly. Practice makes perfect, as the saying says.

-And a guy who kicked for using AOL reflects your MP playing? That guy is an idiot. Hell I had an AOL connection for quite a while, now I use Optimum Online, but when I first started I had some problems and a high ping for a broadband connection(usually in the 100's). Though I don't like AOL, it's not a reason to quit online gaming and also because some douche thinks like that.

-1) After every kill, just reload. Keep shooting the next guy until your clip runs dry, his probably will have, too. It's good to learn how to "whip-out" weapons so you can get in some bullets while he can't.

2)'Tis OK, I didn't learn it at first either. It took me a whole two months to learn the maps. Once you do, fragging is less of a problem.

3)See above.

4)No, ALWAYS use it, even if you don't have to. In a DM, your point is to get as most frags as possible. You won't get to them by going slower to them, now will you?

5)Never EVER crouch. I learned that bad habit while learning on HL2DM and once I realized it is bad I've never done it again and improved greatly. Always run, and shoot \hit EVERYONE you see. You need to rack up frags early if you want to win a DM.

I hope I've inspired you to play somewhat better, and given you a little hope =)
BeaverMon said:
Non-Cheaters don't "fly" around the map, aren't able to nade you from 1 corner to another, can't come up to you in lightening speed, and don't do those explosion/shockwave attacks.
I guess the server could have set sv_cheats 1 and he had noclip on. I've not tried it in HL: DM, I assume it still lets you "fly" though. And if thats the case, he could just as easily put on god mode.
PickledGecko said:
I guess the server could have set sv_cheats 1 and he had noclip on. I've not tried it in HL: DM, I assume it still lets you "fly" though. And if thats the case, he could just as easily put on god mode.

HL1 DM is way different than HL2 DM don't get them confused, the gauss gun is in for one.
Oh, be careful when people duck - anything about the chest dosn't seem to register then.

Melee weapons do TONNES of damage, but you need to get in about 3 good whacks to take down anyone on full health.

Hear a plasma ball? Grab your G-gun and try and grab the ball. It's got about 5 seconds to randomly bouce around and whack you in the back. 100% kill rate if you get hit by one, no matter what health/suit you have.
dude all you had to do was put in buddha to not die and noclip to fly
I played against some of the most skilled players I could find. That's how I learned. I chose one person who wasn't an asshole and stuck with him, eventually, we started to work together as a team, and I got a lot better. Now I can hold my own.
lol, 3 year old thread

also, yes. awesome first post