Man kills friend over toilet paper

This shows that humanity in general sucks.
I laughed too, at teh stupidity of people.
15357 is completely right. In the case against humanity, this would be exhibit #404453734578 (they ran out of letters long ago)
Lol on the issue! Toilet Paper! :LOL:

But, RIP my man. Peace bruva
the story should have read ..

"Roomates kill selves over toilet paper. Natural selection at work again"
Yea, but the VERY BEST headline for any newspaper had to be the one last year that read, "Driver swerves to miss cat and hits 36 kids, one adult"

it happened in japan, when a guy driving down the road near a school swerved to miss a cat, and hit this line of kids as they were all walking to lunch or something. I still laugh when i see it, it's terriable but the total ridiculousness of the situation has to be seen.
Ah man, I remember that thread! That was great. There were pretty much two camps: people who thought the irony was hilarious, and people who were pissed off at camp #1, because they thought we were laughing at the children themselves.
This story's a lot funnier if you remember that the two guys were crotchety old men. Two grumpy geezers yelling at each other over an empty roll of tissue paper, then one smashes the other's head in with a hammer.
Jesus. Personally I don't find it that funny, but not because of the death - I just don't.

EDIT: Okay, after Darkside55's post, NOW I'm laughing. 25 % hilarious, 50% tragic, 20% meh, 10% I am disgusted at myself for not caring that much.
ya I'm sure the person who was bludgeoned to death with a claw hammer would appreciate it that people laughed at his death
Well, you know the old...always wanting to be remembered. His death's been in the news and brought a few forumites some laughs; I'm sure he's cool with it.
CptStern said:
ya I'm sure the person who was bludgeoned to death with a claw hammer would appreciate it that people laughed at his death
To be fair, he's not appreciating anything anymore. Personally I was laughing more at the idea of two old men beating each other up than the actual death of the guy (which is sad).
a 54 yr old man is not old ...maybe to you young whipper snappers it is ..but a person aged 54 can still deal serious damage ..this wasnt a case of 2 90 yr olds waving canes at each other ..this was a no holds barred fight to the death that any one of us could have lost
CptStern said:
this wasnt a case of 2 90 yr olds waving canes at each other
Yes, but what I meant is that's exactly what came up in my mind when I read "two grumpy geezers yelling at each other...then one smashes the other's head in with a hammer" and that's the thing that made me laugh.
I saw just that when I was 8 or 9 ..two 80-90 yr olds screaming at each other in madrid during a holiday started to hit the other one with his cane ..cops and passerbys broke it up, one of the guys was sent to the hospital with a broken arm the other was bleeding from a smashed nose

it wasnt in the least funny I remember it being very scary

yes I know the image can be funny but as a wise man (homer J) once said "it's funny cuz I dont know him"
I think Homer's right. It is funny because it's someone else...if only for a few seconds, until you think 'ok I'm done' or, more likely 'wait, argh, that's not nice.'
yes, exactly ...btw I'm not specifically picking on anyones post ..I just find it appalling how emotionally detached people are
screw "honoring" people who died. It's funny shit, and you don't know them. Besides, the guy who died had armed himself with a rifle before being beaten.


who was so badly beaten he had to be identified through fingerprints, about 10 times, Pogue said.

Each finger lol?
so if it was a family member you'd have no problem with people laughing at him? your brother, father, uncle etc? or does sympathy for your fellow man only extend to immediate family?

dont answer if you dont want to, I'm making too much of this anyways, they made their choices, they live with the consequences ..still find it appalling people laugh at the misfortunes of others ..especially if a death is involved

/me runs outside with my machette.
CptStern said:
so if it was a family member you'd have no problem with people laughing at him? your brother, father, uncle etc? or does sympathy for your fellow man only extend to immediate family?
The question here intrigues me. Personally, I think it's circumstantial. I was going to post earlier, when you were talking about seeing two 90-year-olds swordfighting with canes and the saying, "It's funny because I don't know him," I was going to say, "If I had a family member who was that old and they were fighting another old person with a cane, and they came out alright in the end, I would laugh about it." But I didn't because I thought of my parents, and I wouldn't want to have that happen to either of them. But anyone else in my family, I might just...which doesn't mean that I don't love them, I simply love them to a lesser degree and thus I might find humor in their misfortune.

That's a good question, Stern. I'd really like to hear what other people feel about it.
CptStern said:
so if it was a family member you'd have no problem with people laughing at him? your brother, father, uncle etc? or does sympathy for your fellow man only extend to immediate family?

dont answer if you dont want to, I'm making too much of this anyways, they made their choices, they live with the consequences ..still find it appalling people laugh at the misfortunes of others ..especially if a death is involved
If it were the internet, and somebody found it in a Yahoo news article, and their death was hilarious, sure I'd be pissed but I would still understand. But I'd like to think that they wouldn't die in a dumbass way, like by being bludgened over toilet paper or eaten by their new 6-ton pet alligator. If a plane crashes, no one posts a thread saying "LOL BURN!" Only if the people are f*ckasses that completely deserve it.

Sometimes death is funny, especially when they die in a Darwin Award-esque way. I mean, come on, two dumbass dudes decide to fight to the death about some toilet paper? And what are we supposed to do, all sit around in a circle and honor the deaths of these innocent men? What if two guys decide that it would be cool to shoot the hat off the other, and miss? Russian roulette? People are stupid, and its ****ing hilarious. Lighten up about it.
Erestheux said:
I mean, come on, two dumbass dudes decide to fight to the death about some toilet paper? And what are we supposed to do, all sit around in a circle and honor the deaths of these innocent men?

15357 said:
This shows that humanity in general sucks.

Id have to disagree, in general there are alot more nice people than bad, its just that being a good law obiding person rarely get's you in the media spotlight.
Erestheux said:
If it were the internet, and somebody found it in a Yahoo news article, and their death was hilarious, sure I'd be pissed but I would still understand. But I'd like to think that they wouldn't die in a dumbass way, like by being bludgened over toilet paper or eaten by their new 6-ton pet alligator. If a plane crashes, no one posts a thread saying "LOL BURN!" Only if the people are f*ckasses that completely deserve it.

Sometimes death is funny, especially when they die in a Darwin Award-esque way. I mean, come on, two dumbass dudes decide to fight to the death about some toilet paper? And what are we supposed to do, all sit around in a circle and honor the deaths of these innocent men? What if two guys decide that it would be cool to shoot the hat off the other, and miss? Russian roulette? People are stupid, and its ****ing hilarious. Lighten up about it.

it's not that ..I actually do see the humour in it ..BUT I think we've all been so desensitised to violence that a death has little to no meaning's the method of death that has meaning, almost as if it is for our enjoyment
Pah. Life is a movie, and its not a very good one.

I'll get my laughs when I can.