man sometimes i hate my job.


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Today makes it the 4th day this week that ive had to tell someone that there system was dead. And on top of that ive had to reload 5 systems this week, replace 9 modems, 2 nic cards, 5 video cards, three mother boards and fix countless erreors in windows.
Build 5 custom systems and load Xp on them all, what a waist of hardware ;(

Man I cant wait for the weekend! :cheers:

Has it been a busy week for anyone elce?
Science test, math test, enlgish test, im just in heaven here.
Not this week, at least not for me, but yeah my job is a drag sometimes too, I mean i make good money and i get to do 3d/2d stuff all day but i've got no artistic freedom, everything has to be done by the book and im getting tired of looking at the same damn room model for 3 weeks cuz my boss can't make up his mind :( ah well just bumps in the road :)

EDIT: whoa dude me and mecha replied at like the exact same time
My week sucked 'till now: one day of nearly no work, and then a Four Day Weekend!
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
Science test, math test, enlgish test, im just in heaven here.

Hahahahahahaha, that was so ironic!
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
...enlgish test, im just in heaven here.

Well, good luck on the enlgish test. :P

Edit: D'oh. Somebody got to it first. Still funny though!
Frank i love your avatar lol! donnie darko rules!
My week has been terrible so far... P1 test... and AS Chemistry is getting me down, but no matter eh... my best mate, who i told I had feelings for, is still a friend :)
Pretty easy week for me. The weekend is gonna be nice too. Unfortunately I don't get this monday off...but this tuesday...kinda strange.
Ah good to hear mrbadger, at least not all is bad hey? I'm getting fed up with the opposite sex myself, I think i'll just take a vow of celebacy (sp?) im getting really sick of all the drama, ya know?
yea, i dont understand why my st00pid school people are giving us tuesday off, but not monday instead. i would much rather have a three day weekend. im probably gonna skip school monday and get me a nice big 4 day weekend.

I want this living-room!
I said it first, so that makes it mine! HA!
Originally posted by Innervision961
Ah good to hear mrbadger, at least not all is bad hey? I'm getting fed up with the opposite sex myself, I think i'll just take a vow of celebacy (sp?) im getting really sick of all the drama, ya know?

Yeah... I love her, but she's just a mate... but the way I told her means I'll never know how she feels about me
Hey MrBadger. I have a P1 test next week. Along with a mechanics test and a physics test, a business presentation and an I.C.T project to hand in that I havent even started......

AS levels are fun arnt they!!!!!!!


*Can't you just taste that sarcasm!*
*tastes....* Um......Yeah! It's doubt
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
I know, Giger kicks the ass!
The Alien and the Half life monsters are the bests extraterrestrials out there. The Thing gets third place.

I'm not so sure about that. There's this woman i know ...
I had a Physical geography(kinda like meteorology) and a biology test BACK TO BACK at college. It SUCKED. I know I did HORRIBLE on the second mid-term. The first test of the semsester was the same way...back to back tests... bastards are out to get me... ALLWAYS ONE STEP AHEAD OF ME, AREN'T YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH!?!?!?
Yo man I used to work for company known in barnet as one of the best companies for custom PC. (IMPEX is the name). Anyway My manager asked me and my team to set up 46 PC and One server with a star network and all that have to be finished in 9 hours, Dam I setup 13 PC and Connected Four Networks.

Now this job is harder than yours, and I do not hate it. By the way I left it year ago.
hmph, my week has been cool. woke up at noon everyday, rolled out of bed and onto my computer, played CoD, went to see Revolutions, drank a few too is good. the life of a university student eh? that's what your tax money pays for: for me to lounge around like a tramp. and get a degree at the end of it of course. next week will be even better, because i can 'officially' start partying since it's reading week. woo for me.
Originally posted by Dedalus
hmph, my week has been cool. woke up at noon everyday, rolled out of bed and onto my computer, played CoD, went to see Revolutions, drank a few too is good. the life of a university student eh? that's what your tax money pays for: for me to lounge around like a tramp. and get a degree at the end of it of course. next week will be even better, because i can 'officially' start partying since it's reading week. woo for me.

thats ok, you can laugh and have fun now, until your expected to pay back the thousands you pissed up against the wall, then lets see who's laughing :P
English test, math test, physics test and religion test. And damn im tired :(
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
It's the Alien. Best design ever if you ask me.

Got that right! HR Giger is like a god to me. Everyday I practise drawing xenomorph's , they're so damn cool , and togheter with Predators they're ****ing best movie monsters ever! :cheese:
Originally posted by Fenric1138
thats ok, you can laugh and have fun now, until your expected to pay back the thousands you pissed up against the wall, then lets see who's laughing :P

already sorted mate no need to laugh. that's why i'm also working on my game project. got my money angles covered.

money pissed up against the wall eh...well i paid for my fees, my accomodation, my food. the money i spend on lesiure is pretty much my own since i have about £80 left of my loan for this semmester. my parents don't fall into the low earnings bracket so i don't get much of a loan, most of it is coming out of my pocket. so there!
well ive been a bit pissed off today, so ive decided to start a reign of terror in my school....
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Hey MrBadger. I have a P1 test next week. Along with a mechanics test and a physics test, a business presentation and an I.C.T project to hand in that I havent even started......

AS levels are fun arnt they!!!!!!!


*Can't you just taste that sarcasm!*

Damn right... I got 0% on a mechanics test the other day ;( I got 34% on the P1 one :D

Oh, and Tony, your 'reign of terror' is gonna suck mate, you told me your plans
Originally posted by Dedalus
already sorted mate no need to laugh. that's why i'm also working on my game project. got my money angles covered.

The games industry had better watch out then :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Fenric1138
The games industry had better watch out then :rolleyes:


you don't quit eh?

i won't bother since you're so high and mighty and world weary. praise be to fenric who knoweth all.