Man Stabs Himself To Death After Them Crooked Vultures Gig


The Freeman
Jan 6, 2011
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Take ear plugs to gigs, guys. Especially if Them Crooked Vultures are playing.

Sauce: NME Article

A man is believed to have committed suicide because he was suffering from tinnitus for three months after watching a Them Crooked Vultures gig, according to reports.

The Daily Mail claims that Robert McIndoe, 52, stabbed himself to death because he was unable to sleep due to the constant ringing in his ears after attending a show by the rock supergroup, whose line-up is comprised of Queens Of The Stone Age frontman Josh Homme, Foo Fighters singer Dave Grohl and Led Zeppelin's John Paul Jones.

We can all trust the Daily Mail to give us the facts, right? Still...

Talking about her husband's tinnitus, Mrs McIndoe said:

When it first happened he wasn't too bothered about it because he thought it would subside, and the friend he had been with also had ringing in his ears that day. But it was a constant irritation. He didn't get a night of sleep after that.

Dead ringer.
he could feel the metal inside his body that day

dam ok thats one of the most awkward puns I made
Bet the media were all over this like vultures.

: |
Every time a man stabs himself to death after Them Crooked Vultures Gig an angel gets its wings...
Must have been so awesome seeing JPJ, Dave Grohl and Josh Homme on the same stage that he couldn't handle living.
This news sucks, we can't even make any good puns about it.
must have been a killer performance
Why stab yourself though? Seems ridiculous that after suffering having to watch Them Crooked Vultures (yes, I'm not a fan) you would commit a form suicide so painful and brutal.

Still, poor bloke.
Tinnitus sucks. Once I got 4 days of tinnitus and it drove me pretty nuts. I had to start listening to mp3s of background noises to make the ringing less noticeable. Sometimes (but not often, thankfully) I randomly get a high-pitched ringing followed by a second of deafness -- a lot like that effect in HL2 when an explosion goes off next to you. Can't imagine what infinite tinnitus would be like.

It's really starting to piss me off when bands play so ridiculously loud. First off, nice job destroying your fans' ears and repaying their attendance with several days of suffering :rolleyes:. And the loudness makes the sound quality worse because ears can't even distinguish pitches when it's so loud. It automatically makes the show crappier than it could have been. (Yes I've tried high-fidelity earplugs but those still muddy the sound considerably and it's stupid in principle to have to wear earplugs at a concert).
Why stab yourself though? Seems ridiculous that after suffering having to watch Them Crooked Vultures (yes, I'm not a fan) you would commit a form suicide so painful and brutal.

Still, poor bloke.

I imagine with Tinnitus, if it's affecting you that badly you'd do anything to end it. it's constant and you can't really think straight with a loud ringing.
It's really starting to piss me off when bands play so ridiculously loud. First off, nice job destroying your fans' ears and repaying their attendance with several days of suffering :rolleyes:.

As a musician, I can safely say, not our fault. The loudness depends on who's doing the sound and mixing and the venue's acoustics.

Also, screw you, TCV haters. You and your hatred for music I find epic. (tbf Josh Homme is like, my hero, but even so...)
Hmm, some bands are notoriously loud at every gig they play (lookin' at you Mono and Mogwai) so surely they gave some input on the loudness, which is a shame because they could sound amazing if we could actually hear the music.
AC/DC was the loudest show I've been to and my ears were ringing 2 days after, it's ridiculous. If it's loud enough to hear then it's fine you don't have to crank it to 11, it sounds like shit anyways.
Hmm, some bands are notoriously loud at every gig they play (lookin' at you Mono and Mogwai) so surely they gave some input on the loudness, which is a shame because they could sound amazing if we could actually hear the music.

It's a possibility but normally bands don't give much input into how the sound is for the audience as they only need to hear themselves properly to play properly and that'll be done through their on-stage monitors. If the system went out at a decent sized venue and the band were playing just through their amps, you likely wouldn't hear it very well. Not at all at bigger venues and festivals. That's why they mic up the amps and the drum-kit and stuff, the sound guy does all the amplifying. If a band is loud to the point where it's distorting the music or at a ridiculous level, they SHOULD turn them down using the desk and get the levels to a decent standard.

THAT BEING SAID - Bigger venues have to have a louder volume in the system so that no matter where you are in the crowd, you can hear, so being in front of a speaker will definitely leave you ringing for at least the rest of the night. Also, I guess that if a band really wanted to, they could request that the sound guy play them louder to the audience but in my view that'd be a little pretentious, purposefully making sure you sound OTT loud and all. :P

Normally though, how loud you hear a gig is entirely down to the venue's sound guy, equipment, size and acoustics rather than the band.
That's why they make ear plugs.
Some bands do play extraordinarily loud intentionally . My Bloody Valentine plays louder than any band i've ever seen live, including Mogwai, Dino Jr or Sonic Youth, but it's really part of the experience seeing them, the guitar swirls and overwhelms you and draws you in. The air seems to ****in vibrate, it's awesome. Depending on the music a loud volume is fitting, especially shoegaze bands, but I feel that people don't play loud enough more often than not...usually the venue's fault.
been to many shows, that man was a rookie. by now I don't hear any ringing when I go to really loud concerts and I guarantee it that by the time I'm old they'll figure a better way to renew hearing loss.
Tinnitus is probably one of my greatest fears, after nearly every concert I go to I convince myself the ringing will last forever.
man basically kills himself after seeing them crooked vultures, more like.
if i ever killed myself after a show it would only be out of joy