Man survives a fall into oncomming train!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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A Brooklyn man shoved onto the subway tracks at Union Square yesterday miraculously cheated death by rolling into a shallow gully as a train roared over him.

Two cars of an uptown No. 4 train passed over Brandon Crismon, 34, but the financial analyst escaped with a badly broken leg, cuts and bruises.

That's freaking awesome.
Did they catch the guys and charge them for attempted murder?

Perhaps I should read the article before posting.
naw, they're still looking for the guy who pushed him......
I bet he had a great laugh after that happened. Maybe even said "I wanna do it again!!". They should reenact what happened with the ****er who pushed him.
Things like this happen, but god are they cool.

But nowhere near as good as Rasputin
I bet he had a great laugh after that happened. Maybe even said "I wanna do it again!!". They should reenact what happened with the ****er who pushed him.

I don't know, having a seriously broken leg..I doubt he thought it was too fun :P
I think it all rested in the skilled hands of the train operator.

Ouch if he had been crushed.
Probably wouldn't've felt it unless it was coming REALLY SLOWLY, then he probably would've tried to run away but ran out of breath and suffered.
Things like this happen, but god are they cool.

But nowhere near as good as Rasputin

I was allways thought the name rasputin was the most evil sounding name in the world,and I still do
and holy shit he was lucky
[Hollow Voice]Yesssssssssssssss Hardeeeeeeer HAArrrrderrr PUShes its haarrds. BAGINSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Raaaaambleerss.[Hollow voice]
Sheeit... that'd freak the **** out of me, even if I survived.
No it would be manslaughter. The cows are stirking back with the return of their space bretheren! D:

Also, that guy is extremely lucky. There have been signs going up around the train stations in Perth receantly with slogans such as, "Your family won't have to scatter your remains, the train does that for you."

I think the fact that they have an advertising campaign about it suggests that it is common enough for them to spend money on it, making sure it doesn't happen.
If he had been hit, would it be like SPLATTER, SMACK WHAM FLY or SMACK SPLAT CUT?
Sorry, hope youre not eating tomato stew.
CURRY! I just had some indian food for lunch today.
Cool it danny, Ur erm, abit angry today, chill, i also know someone whos not so good today. OK no more spam.

You guys think they'll ever find the guy who pushed him?
Note to Dalamari: Note what happened to Qonfused for similar comments

Note: not a warning, i have no power :D
i reported it already, i'm fed up with all this hostility, you may think i'm an idiot, but i never swear or insult people.

Im with ya.

well, everyone chill, whats wrolng with rambler ya'll.
I remain impartial to all arguments. Now get this thread back on track! Now!
But it almost hit the man, if it got back on track, it might hit people.
I can do kung-fu mode too! Watch me!!!! *jumps into an old abandoned train track*