Mangoes - Yay or Nay?


  • YAY

    Votes: 30 78.9%
  • NAY

    Votes: 8 21.1%

  • Total voters


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Well, just a minute ago I ate a very nice sweet mango. There's no competition - Mangoes are the best fruit ever (with the possible exception of apples).

So, what's you take on the subject?

Do You Like Mangoes?

EDIT: I have no idea how to make a poll, so can any mod please make it one :D
Mangoes are good ... and I agree apples are a contender for the best fruit ever ... I like mangoes in my smoothies ...
Mangoes are so juicy.. not as much as a watermelon, but much tastier. I can never pass up a mango, the best fruit in the universe. :D
mangos are sweet, but I prefer clementines or pears.
The_Monkey said:
mangos are sweet, but I prefer clementines or pears.

Pear? As far as I'm concerned pears are just dodgy apples :)
A ripe, flavorfull mango is definitly one of the best fruits out there.

Still, theres so much good fruit its hard to pick a favorite. Apricots, peaches, strawberries, plumbs, persimmons, ripe oranges, blueberries, blackberries,..

Hmm,. time to go to Jamba Juice!
I like citrus fruits better (i.e. Oranges)

Mangoes are good...but oranges are better.
The Thing said:
Mangoes are good...but oranges are better.

Oranges are amazing! Those... and tangerines. And Kiwii... oh my goodness, Kiwi are delicious!!!
I'd say that they're one of the best fruits ever. I'd give them an A-.
I voted yay just for the Hell of it... I can't really think of what a mango tastes like...

Grapefruit is nasty. That needed to be said.
Mangos are the best :D

I have a mango tree but it isn't growing mangos anymore :|
Danimal said:
Mangos are the best :D

I have a mango tree but it isn't growing mangos anymore :|

What's it growing? Apples? Oranges? :laugh:
I've never had fresh mango but all the mango juice I've had has been nasty. Except for one bottle that I got in Rusholme. That was lovely.
JiMmEh and JimmehH must be related :O
CyberSh33p said:
starfruit(I think thats what they're called?) are better

I haven't had one of those in years. I can't even remember what it looks like inside ;(.

But mangos... yay. And grapefruit is good if you use lots of sugar.... yum, sugar. Peaches -- good. Nectarines -- good. Apples -- good. Oranges -- ehh, they're ok sometimes. Tangerines -- bleh. Pears -- not as good as apples, better than oranges.
Mangos are great, but overrated.

Apples are good, but never great. They have to be crisp and a bit tart. There is nothing worse than a mushy, chalky apple.

One of my absolute CANNOT-RESIST-OH-MY-GOD fruits is the mangosteen. Never heard of it? Neither had I until I went to China. See it here

Also there is something to be said for sun-ripened strawberries. Sold from wheelbarrows by farmers on the side of the road. Mmmmm.... :burp: