Manhacks should be the new snarks (and other DM ideas)

Aug 14, 2003
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Lots of threads in the forum are talking about what weapons HL2DM need to be modified, or which should be brought back from HL1DM. But I didn't see any threads mentioning altogether new things that could be added to spice up deathmatch while still remaining true to the HL2 theme.

Here are a few ideas I had. Feel free to post your own too.

1) Manhacks should be the new snarks.

The gist: Your own squad of manhacks. The combine can toss them into the air in single player, so why can't we? :p
Manhacks can absorb enemy ammunition, provide distractions and injure unsuspecting people. But your enemy can manipulator them back into your face, you're defenseless when deploying them, and they are destroyed with relative ease.

Magnum users would either have to switch their weapon or waste precious ammo to defend themsleves, while the shotgun's usefullness would be enhanced.

How it would work: Each player gets a maximum 2 manhacks. Primary fire quickly releases a manhack into the air, an action that takes about a second or two.
The manhacks behave generally the same as the ones in HL2, only possibly with enhanced pathfinding AI, to deal with the variety in user-created levels. Also, they will not attack the person that released them.

You (and your team, if you are playing Team DM) can tell your friendly manhacks apart from enemy manhacks by the colour of their eye-light. The light appears green to you and your allies, but appears red to the opposing players.

To prevent overcrowding when the player releases a third manhack, the last one he released will self-destruct. That way, no player will have more than two manhacks at a time.

2) Bring on the hoppers.

The gist: Hoppers are the perfect DM physics object. At the very least, they are like tiny explosive barrels. At their best, they're like funnier Hl1 tripmines.

Hoppers are easy to avoid, but somewhat difficult to disarm entirely. Simply walking up to one and then quickly running the hell away is sufficient to remove them, or you can re-arm them in your favour, if you're not in a rush.
Of course, they will suckerpunch many unwary opponents.

How it would work: Exactly like the ones in SP. The hoppers spawn neutral and are placed with the manipulator. Once placed on a valid surface, they arm themselves and will leap in the air and detonate at any opponent who gets too close.

Like with the manhacks, the light on the hopper should indicate it's current allegiance. Green light means you and your team are safe, while red means it belongs to an enemy.

3) Working scanners.

The gist: There are a few broken scanners scattered around dm_overwatch. What if one or two were alive, flying around and blinding people? It certainly would shake up a firefight.
Not only that, but they could drop suit batteries when destroyed.

How it would work: Just throw some scanners into a level and watch what happens. :p

I think these ideas just might have potential. It really seemed to me that these things were damn near designed for multiplayer use when i saw them in the single-player campaign. Especially the hoppers.
I reckon that the Manhacks and Scanners should be available to Combine players, acting as weapons and spies respectively, and that Resistance players should have medic and ammo carrier classes.

The bit about Hoppers sounds sweet...
Combine APC for combine

Converted Heavy buggy for resistance
Well with the Half-Life2 modding scene on the move now i wouldn't be surprised if some1 developed these ideas or of course you could ask Valve to make them in an update or sommet.
Why should Manhacks not attack the player who launches them? The snarks attacked everybody as well... And two Manhacks per player from the beginning would be way to much. Just drop them in the level as a pickup and your fine. But they definitely should destroy themselves after some time, just like the snarks.
Wow, great ideas here :thumbs:
Here's hoping they get implimented :-\
Manhacks should be the new snarks.

Thats exactly what i thought when i 1st saw them
man hacks as snarks

imo u have great ideas and id love for them all to be implemented in hl2dm - along with jump pack and even more weapons . but I also thought of manhacks as snarks- heres to hopes that valve includes them in the dm future
I like you ideas, except I think the play should be able to have more than 2 manhacks. It's way to easy to take out small groups of them with the gravity gun. IMO, you should at least get 8 of them.

As for the scanners, why not let the player actually use them, like a mobile camera or something (since that's what they are :p). You could pick up a scanner, send it out and press a button to see through it's eyes or something like that.
I think 5 would be a nice inventory limit. Manhacks don't do a whole lot of damage and pretty easy to avoid anyway.
I like everything except the scanner idea.

However if we had much larger maps and teams spawned in the same general area then perhaps scanner could be used as some sort of spy system to alert the combine of incoming resistance fighters.

As it stands now though I think the scanners would just be an annoyance more than anything.
why should the scanners go after the person who activated them? that'd be pretty dumb
I dislike all of the ideas. Sorry, but they move it away from DM and more towards a slower game.
if manhacks are implemented, dont make a self destruct, add crowbars!
Indeed. If the manhacks are added, there HAS to be a crowbar. It's criminal enough that it wasn't included to begin with. Even if you can't play as Freeman (which, by the way is another can of worms that I've opened enough times already), would it be too out-of-character for citizens and combine to wield crowbars?
I like the manhack idea alot, the rest are okay
yes manhacks = ace
tripmines would be nice too, since they're already in the game
if they put trip mines in, they'd have to make the laser fairly faint. With all the garbage riddling the map, they'd just be too easy to set off if spotted and you'd never get kills with them.

so if they made the laser maybe only have 60%-70% of the visibility of the one in game, where it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, i'd see it as a viable weapon.

probably beef up the explosion to the old HLDM lstrength instead of the mini wussy grenade that it is in game.
you could throw a scanner and it would be released, then your character would be holding a little screen that showed you what the scanner saw, and you could use the secoundary fire to switch between camera views if u release more than 1 scanner
i dont know about scanners. them being cameras takes a way the whole DM feel. and them just floating around and blinding you would get annoying. i say Manhacks in, no scanners.
Flyingdebris said:
if they put trip mines in, they'd have to make the laser fairly faint. With all the garbage riddling the map, they'd just be too easy to set off if spotted and you'd never get kills with them.

so if they made the laser maybe only have 60%-70% of the visibility of the one in game, where it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, i'd see it as a viable weapon.

probably beef up the explosion to the old HLDM lstrength instead of the mini wussy grenade that it is in game.

how about this?
Primary fire: deploys a mine, explodes as per usual, invisible laser beam (maybe visible to player and friendlies)
Secondary fire: deploys a mine, normal red laser beam, when tripped the mine leaps off the wall in the direction it's facing to explode on impact

or perhaps
Primary fire: deploys a mine, explodes as per usual, normal red laser beam
Secondary fire: turns lasers on or off. With lasers off the mines are hard to see but won't detonate (unless shot), with lasers on the mine is easily seen and can detonate
you could turn off lasers, cover a piece of garbage with mines, throw it towards enemies, then turn on the lasers and even the movement of the garbage they're attached to triggers them and boom
sort of a combined tripmine/satchel
make fast head crabs the new snark, still carry 10, and they attack you also, but just like snarks, when you release them, they first go out a few meters, if they find nothing to attack, they attack you.
Primary fire: deploys a mine, explodes as per usual, normal red laser beam
Secondary fire: turns lasers on or off. With lasers off the mines are hard to see but won't detonate (unless shot), with lasers on the mine is easily seen and can detonate
you could turn off lasers, cover a piece of garbage with mines, throw it towards enemies, then turn on the lasers and even the movement of the garbage they're attached to triggers them and boom
sort of a combined tripmine/satchel

so you mean that you can trigger the lasers to turn on or off via altfire from a distance? that sounds pretty good.

It would allow you to lace an area with mines and wait for someone to enter your trap unaware of the trip mines, then they are suddenly surrounded by lasers and getting shot at. Thats even better than having hard to see lasers
people why al so far fetched put in the promisted weapons like thet other machine gun and a flare gun and of cours the crowbar and make the magnum a bit less effective make it a 2 shot kill.
i would simply like to see a map like overwatch in which there is only 1-2 manipulators. i love the weapon but everyone having one limits a cool idea: building barracades. theyre too easy to break up if everyone has one, but it would be cool if a team barracades themselves into a building and snipes while the other team was forced to use explosives to break up the barracade and attack.
I like the hopper idea as a new form of trip mine, however I think the hopper models right now are too large and stand out way too much. Would need to be made about 2/3rds the size for DM, I think, and there wouldn't be any on the level to start with, they'd be an ammo pickup.
Also...hoppers should be able to be attached to walls and ceilings not just the floor.

Manhacks should definately be indiscriminate in their attacks...just like the snarks. IMO that was one of the funniest/best parts of HLDM...snarks turning on their owner = f@rking funny!

Oh, and I reckon if you're going to have jump packs then hopefully some servers will be "no-jump pack" server..IMO jump packs ruin the game for casual players.
A limited supply of indisciminate manhacks is a good idea.
I wanna see DOD style capture point gameplay with vehicles.... Combine versus Resistance/Rebels and Gordon.

Each vehicle should have a driver and a gunner! Teamplay is good!
i love the idea of the manhacks. someone email valve, this is such a simple yet great idea and makes sense within the HL2 theme. Also, someone might have mentioned this, why not be able to remotely control the scanners and fly them around looking through their eye. No so useful in small dm maps, but could be fun anyway.
Best way would be to have a TV that everyone can view, and one for each team. However I've heard that Source can only handle 1 camera per map, so perhaps this wouldn't work :/
Lanthanide said:
Best way would be to have a TV that everyone can view, and one for each team. However I've heard that Source can only handle 1 camera per map, so perhaps this wouldn't work :/

you've heard wrong
explain the security cameras in the game

anyway, I stand by the idea that manhacks should be friendly to you and your team (and you should be able to hold a lot of them, to counteract gravguns)
also: hoppers are lame
I don't think I ever got hurt by one in the single player game, and setting them up netted me maybe...5 total kills on enemies? they're only useful as throwable explosives... and at that point why bother having them as weapons?
tripmines, if implemented, would have to be gravgun proof...
As for the security cameras, if you go look at them, there is 1 large one that you can control, and then several small ones around that are probably just fixed images that aren't actually in-game anywhere, static sprites if you will.

However there are 2 TVs in Kliener's lab: the security TV, and then the one that Eli talks to you on (or am I getting confused?).

Anyway, easy way to test would be to noclip back to the security one and see if Eli is on it as well.

As for the hoppers, IMO the model is rediculously large, one about 2/3rds the size would be better for MP. As for only being useful when picked up with the grav gun - easy, simply stop people from picking them up once they have been set once, with the only way to destroy them to set them off/shoot them. There's no rule saying anywhere that all things in MP must act exactly the same as they do in SP. Similarly, it'd be best if the manhacks couldn't be killed by shooting into wall/primary fire of grav gun, again with the only way to kill them being whacking or shooting them. That way both devices are much much more useful.
yes the security cameras are one screen, but they have multiple viewpoints to scroll through
plus there are various security cameras, communication screens, and breencasts throughout levels
Yes, multiple -cameras- are possible, but not multiple -active- cameras. You can have different cameras that are scrolled through, but you can't view scenes from different cameras at the same time. It wouldn't be very useful if each team had a camera and a TV, but the both the TVs could only show 1 camera at a time.
I think laser trip mines (you see them in HL2) and also satchel charges (in the alpha) would add a strategic element to the game that is sorely missing. Bring them on! Hopefully Valve will add them in sometime soon.
i love they laser mine idea i mean they are the only weapon i really miss in hl2dm
they owned back in hl dm and they will again (if someone makes a new mod or valve is gonna do us all a favour)

ok now who wants 2 bann the magnum?
because that gun is way 2 good. it just aint fair anymore