Map Release - CP_2Fort_Beta2



So I've had a bash at converting Valves 2fort map for a Control Point game.

There are a couple of graphical bugs, you'll definitely notice some of them, but this release is primarily just to test if the gameplay works regarding placement of the CPs and the time it takes to cap them.

If you fancy giving it a go let me know of any problems you find please!

Here's 3 pics of the CP Locations :-



and here is a download linketh :-;9137067;/fileinfo.html
It seems the first one would be real hard to defend, seeing as how its all open and eveything.
Does the spawn location move into the basement when you get pushed back?
I should hope so, otherwise I'm afraid I see some serious problems with the gameplay.
Looks interesting. I think it'd be better if you split the bridge - one on each side rather than a direct line between the points. Also not liking the total lack of sniper cover on the bridge itself.
i would remove the whole the bridge to be honest. also you should be able to respond downstairs since there is a supply room
Hm. Good idea, but I think 2fort is way too small to be a CP map.
I think you should put a CP on the middle of the bridge that starts out uncaptured kinda like granary, then remove the 2 existing CPs.

The way it is right now, the losing team would have to cap the CP in front of their base, then run across the bridge and then cap the other one before they can attack the other team's base. They just seem unnecessary to me.
It looks positively horrible.
You decompiled 2fort, recompiled it with a few simple changes and then released it?

Yay for talent.
You decompiled 2fort, recompiled it with a few simple changes and then released it?

Yay for talent.

Kyorisu said:
Copy/paste mapping at it's finest right here.

That's kind of harsh. All he's trying to do is convert an existing CTF map to CP. 2Fort is one of the most popular and recognizable map in Team Fortress. Why would he go and completely butcher it?

It needs some work, but it's a good start. I agree with Bam23 that it needs a single neutral point in the middle of the map. Maybe remove the bridge altogether and make two staircases on each side leading into the water and the point. You'd just have to make the water low enough as to not make pyros useless.
Harsh? I don't think so. Decompiling a map and changing a few things around and then releasing under yourself is disrespectful to the original author. Yes 2fort is well recognized so he could have just as easily made his own version without copying Valve's work. Because hey let's face it I doubt he emailed Valve and asked permission.
But...he's not claim the as his.....own?

I really don't get your arguement. If I take the front driveshaft out of an all-wheel drive car to make it RWD, do I take credit for manufacturing the entire car? If I make a print out a copy of the Mona Lisa and draw big breasts on her with a Sharpie, do I really need to credit Leo for painting the original back in the 16th century?

He's not trying to say he built this from the ground up. In fact, in his first post, he gives Valve credit.

scragnog said:
So I've had a bash at converting Valves 2fort map for a Control Point game.

It's converting a map from one game type to the other. No more, no less.
I cannot see playing 2Fort as a CP map.
But...he's not claim the as his.....own?

I never said that. I said he was releasing under his name. When you release anything it's generally under you name. Just ignore that part. Here let me rewrite my post.

Decompiling a map and making a few changes without permission is disrespectful to the original author. It doesn't matter if he credited Valve for their work he didn't ask if they would allow him to do so in the first place. Changing someone else's work any releasing it again without asking is bad practice. People re-release work all the time but generally they have either asked permission or the original author allows it in the first place by asking for them to be credited where necessary. So far neither case seems true here.

I really don't get your arguement. If I take the front driveshaft out of an all-wheel drive car to make it RWD, do I take credit for manufacturing the entire car?

Your analogies fail. The car is your property and you are free to make any modifications.

If I make a print out a copy of the Mona Lisa and draw big breasts on her with a Sharpie, do I really need to credit Leo for painting the original back in the 16th century?

Again you own the print and can modify it however you want. I wasn't trying to say he was taking credit for the original work. I was trying to say that editing a map in anyway and re-releasing it without permission is disrespectful to the original creator.

It's converting a map from one game type to the other. No more, no less.

Except it isn't and I have outlined as to why that is above. If you cannot see the problem I see no point in continuing trying to explain it to you.

/rant of a disgruntled content creator.
Kyorisu, I see your point but I don't think it's overly justified.

In TF2, valve gives you assets (models/materials/sounds etc) that you can use to create your own map, they spent long hours creating those assets but they allow you the use of them.

Bsp files are also assets, brushwork and entity placement, and while naturally it isn't common to reverse engineer these bsps back to a Hammer readable vmf file, Vmex allows you to do just that.

Valve still haven't released any official vmf files for their TF2 maps, but if you recall they have done for every single other game, examples of their creations that mappers can use to see how the work was done etc.

In all honesty I doubt Valve are concerned about a modified release of 2fort, if they allow mappers the use of their assets and example vmf files anyway, why would this bother them in the slightest?

And anyway, I still haven't found a single server running this map, which is frustrating because I'd like to know what the big bugs are so I can fix them.
Most likely I won't anyway, it was just a quick rehash.
Let's combine the two capture points near the bridge into one neutral capture point on the bridge. That'll be better.
Let's delete the .bsp and .vmf and hope it never gets into any public servers.